Rotary club beautifies park with more trees The resounding success of this project was attributed to the partnership that is shared between the Rotary Club of Chatsworth and the Department of Parks and Recreation.

In an effort to conserve Mother Nature, the Rotary Club of Chatsworth (South Africa, D 9370) in partnership with the Department of Parks and Recreation planted 100 trees at the pop-up park situated in Montford.
This amazing and much-needed environmental project was once again successfully coordinated by the youth and vocational services committees headed by directors Bobby Pillay and Shanta Mannie respectively together with the assistance of generous donors, sponsors and club members.
The worthy project also coincided with the club’s 30th birthday celebrations and a special commemorative cake was also cut at the function.
The resounding success of this project was attributed to the sterling partnership that is shared between the Rotary Club of Chatsworth and the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Chief horticulturist, Mona Edries, and her dedicated team were on site for the tree planting ceremony.
Edries enlightened all those in attendance about the important of preserving and protecting the natural environment.
She also shared much insight into the various trees, which were chosen to be planted on the day.
The tree of the year is Ziziphus mucronata, also commonly referred to as the Hairy buffalo-thorn.
Also in attendance were enthusiastic pupils from Crestview Primary School, who displayed their beautiful nature posters.
The event was graced by several dignitaries including the assistant Rotary Governor of District 9370, John-Johnston Webber.
President of the club, Eugene Moodley echoed the sentiments of all those present and said, “We hope to mobilise the community to clean up and preserve our environment and natural surroundings.”
“The world has become consumed with various socials ills at the cost of destroying planet Earth. This has to now become everyone’s priority and responsibility.”
He also expressed his heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Mona Edries and her dedicated team for all their support, generosity and assistance in making this project such a great success.
Moodley congratulated and thanked the club on the completion of yet another amazing project.
Source: Chatsworth Rising Sun