Rotary to build storage facility in Tasmania The club got a funding of $50,000 through the State government’s Community Infrastructure Funding programme for raising an equipment shed-cum-meeting hall.

Members of Rotary Club of Ulverstone along with local body officials look at the construction plans for a storage facility. Photo: Sarah Landsdown.
Members of Rotary Club of Ulverstone along with local body officials look at the construction plan for a storage facility. Photo: Sarah Landsdown

The Rotary Club of Ulverstone (Tasmania, Australia — D 9830) has found a place and means to build a storage shed at the Ulverstone showgrounds.

President of the Rotary Club of Ulverstone John Soyer said the club was growing with six new members inducted this year.

“We’re on the up and up. And we need to be able to store all our community equipment, caravan, food van, barbecue, marquees, all of that sort of stuff,” he said.

Currently, equipment was scattered all over town in members’ homes and it was sometimes difficult to track down where things were.

The club applied for funding through the state government’s Community Infrastructure Funding programme and have received a grant of $50,000 from the scheme.

The Central Coast Council were involved in deciding the location of the storage facility.

Central Coast Mayor, Jan Bonde, said the council was happy to support the club.

“We were looking at the area overall and looking at where we could put the Rotary club of Ulverstone,” she said.

“They do some wonderful things in the community and we’re really pleased to be able to support them with this project.”

Liberal member for Braddon, Rodger Jaensch, said the $50,000 was a good investment as the club would give many times that amount back to the local community.

“I think a lot of people probably don’t realise the amount of work that Rotary clubs in somewhere like Ulverstone put in every year to put tens of thousands of dollars into things that are necessary for people to be safe and happy in their community,” Jaensch said.

The colorbond shed will be erected in a similar style to the current buildings at the site. It will be located in between the soccer club and poultry club.

Soyer said it was also intended that the shed be used as a community facility during events.

“It will be a huge boost for our club,” he said.

The Rotary Club of Ulverstone have already formed a committee for their major annual event in April, Sparkle in the Dark.

Last year the event raised over $17,000 which went towards buying a soft-fall floor at the dementia unit at Mount St Vincent nursing home.

The club is also working on the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), driver awareness training, sponsorship of scholarships for senior high school students and facilitating student exchanges.

Sournce: The Advocate

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