Renovated sanitation facilities for a Dharwad school

RC Dharwad Central, RID 3182, renovated toilets and added a handwash station at a government school in Dharwad.
When PDG Ganesh Bhat was invited to preside over an event at the school, a chance visit to the toilets there “made me cringe. When I commented about their poor maintenance one of the teachers nonchalantly informed me that the students will relieve themselves at the large vacant plot adjacent to the school.” Upset over this, Bhat, a WinS national recogntion committee member, decided to revamp the facility at the school and RC Dharwad Central volunteered to get the job done.
After the lockdown is lifted the children visiting the school will be in for a huge surprise. With financial assistance from Rtn Nagaraj Tayannavar the club renovated the toilets and ensured continuous water supply. A wash station has also been installed on the premises. “We have instructed the school management to take proper care of the structures and informed them that we will be conducting surprise checks,” said Anand Nayak, club president.