
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and I took the one less travelled by; and that made all the difference.” The men and women who make up Rotary in Zones 4, 5, 6 and 7 have really tread the untravelled path during this pandemic, putting their hearts and souls into helping people, and doing so in a spirit of enterprise and innovativeness. Rotary gives us the eyes to see, the heart to love and the hands to serve. The seeing eyes, the loving heart and the encompassing hands of Rotarians have made these two years special; for the lives they touched, for the difference they made, for the many achievements, experiences and memories. Thank you Rotarians for the service you do. The Torchbearer Governors and then the Trailblazer Governors have led from the front with passion and enthusiasm. Well done to both batches of governors and their teams!
It has been a special feeling to have been able to communicate with all of you on ‘One-to-One’ through the pages of Rotary News. This is ‘feel good’ journalism at its best, bringing to us stories of caring and sharing; love and compassion. Compliments to the Rotary News staff led by Editor Rasheeda Bhagat for the great job they do.
This pandemic has shown that the only constant is change. As we move forward with the lessons learned, we are discovering more and better ways to use the virtual format — be it for fellowship or board meetings, virtual youth exchange or Rotary training programmes. A combination of the in-person and virtual format looks set to be the new ‘normal’. This gives us the best of both worlds. I feel that this is the future of Rotary.
Madhavi and I feel very blessed to have witnessed the many projects and activities, the outpouring of love and affection from Rotarians and their families. We thank each and every Rotarian and the family of Rotary for their generosity, warmth and kindness bestowed on us. I have realised the truth in the words of Emerson: “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” The person most helped is me. As I lay down the responsibility of RI director I realise that these fond memories, with their fragrance, will remain with me for years to come. I wish the incoming directors all the best for two significant years in Rotary service.
‘Where there is great love there are always miracles’. Share the miracle that is Rotary. As Rotary opens new opportunities let us Serve to Change Lives. Adieu.
Enjoy Rotary, enjoy yourself.
Dr Bharat Pandya,
RI Director, 2019-21