Nellore Rotarians take care of the hungry

The members of RC Nellore, RID 3160, provided food to 250 hungry people every day for 45 days during the total lockdown. The club had set up a special food distribution centre, headed by club secretary Visweswara Rao, where it dished out two ­varieties of cooked food, buttermilk, water and banana for the hungry ­visitors all through the day. This service was hugely appreciated ­particularly during a time when all restaurants and street food stalls were closed. Police ­personnel, paramedics and ­security guards of establishments too visited the centre. “Some of the residents who had exhausted their vegetable and grocery ­supplies too collected food from us,” said Jagannadham (80), a past president of this 60-year-old club, adding that the entire project cost ₹4.5 lakh.

Food being distributed by members of RC Nellore, RID 3160.
Food being distributed by members of RC Nellore, RID 3160.

Additionally the Rotarians distributed bread loaves and bananas among slum dwellers and at a leprosy home which housed 250 families. Bedsheets were also given to the inmates.

“Each member ­sponsored food for a day. We also received ­generous contributions from friends in the US,” said club president Narayana.

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