Language of life is I Can Get enriched with inspirational thoughts reproduced from renowned new-age life guru and spiritualist, Shri. Mahatria Ra. He is also the founder of Alma Mater, an organisation dedicated to self-mastery and holistic personality. His spiritual foundation, Infinitheism encourages a path that inspires breakthroughs in people by thinking abundance in all spheres of human endeavour.

It seems the heart of a man told the man, “I began beating when you were in the womb of your mother and I will keep beating till you reach the tomb. Relentlessly I keep working with so much intensity and enthusiasm. And, I know ‘I Can’ till the end. After all, if not, that will be the end. If this is what I can do as just an organ of your body, hey man, as the master of this body, is it not possible for you to work with relentless intensity and enthusiasm in whatever you do, if only you too believe, ‘I Can’.”
It seems the hand of a man told the man, “I dirty myself to keep the other parts of the body clean. If anybody tries to hurt any part of the body, I volunteer to take the hurt unto myself, and protect the other parts of the body. I know ‘I Can’ and I take responsibility for every part of the body. If this is what I can do as just a part in your body, hey man, is it not possible for you to assume responsibility for the welfare of all your near and dear ones, if only you too believe, ‘I Can’.”
It seems the leg of a man told the man, “I take you wherever you want to go. I help you to reach whatever be the destination. I always believe, ‘I Can’. If this is what I can do as just a part in your body, hey man, is it not possible for you to achieve every goal you set for yourself, accomplish every ambition of yours, and fulfill every dream you have dreamt for yourself, if only you too believe, ‘I Can’.”
It doesn’t matter whether others believe in you or not, you got to believe ‘I Can’, and if you do, you can become whatever you want to become. It doesn’t matter even if everybody believes in you, even God cannot help you, if you don’t believe in yourself.
Don’t ever let someone tell you, you can’t do something. You want something; go get it.