Economic Growth: Concerns & Challenges An 8–9 per cent annual growth rate can push up our per capita GDP from the current US $1,600 to US $8,000–10,000 by 2025.

Economic Growth: Concerns & Challenges An 8–9 per cent annual growth rate can push up our per capita GDP from the current US $1,600 to US $8,000–10,000 by 2025." href="">Read more

An advertising monstrosity called Indian cricket Today, lovers of the game are being bombarded with non-stop cricket of mostly substandard quality, and ads interspersed with the odd bit of bowling and batting.

An advertising monstrosity called Indian cricket Today, lovers of the game are being bombarded with non-stop cricket of mostly substandard quality, and ads interspersed with the odd bit of bowling and batting." href="">Read more
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