Incoming club presidents in Sri Lanka prepare for positive impact

We are not living in a world draped in silk or bathed in sunshine; rather, it is etched with challenges that grow daily. Thanks to escalating tension in the Middle East, naked aggression in Ukraine, the blocking of trade routes, and disruption in global shipping, local economies are left ­devastated. Amidst these trials, as you step into your roles as club presidents, it won’t be a cakewalk,” said PRIP K R Ravindran, addressing over 50 presidents-elect from RID 3220 at the Presidents-Elect Training ­Seminar (PETS) in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. P S M Charles, Governor of the ­Northern Province of Jaffna, was also present at the inaugural event.

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What Rotary clubs can do to help the Environment

In April 2024, we will celebrate our first month highlighting Rotary environmental action. In 1990, PRIP Paulo V C Costa made the environment one of his primary causes, creating Preserve Planet Earth programme. In June 2020, the RI directors and Rotary Foundation Board unanimously approved the creation of Rotary’s seventh area of focus — Protecting the Environment. In 2021, TRF began awarding environmental global grants. Clubs are at the heart of Rotarians’ action to address climate change. To find effective projects, clubs can draw on a rapidly growing trove of expertise and technical assistance from Rotary Action Groups and TRF: the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG), Rotary Action Group for Endangered Species (RAGES), WASHRAG, and the TRF Cadre specialists in Environment, Water and Community Economic Development.

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Rotary Flower Show in Coimbatore

Six Rotary clubs — RCs ­Coimbatore Town, Downtown, Uptown, Texcity, ­Centennial and ­Thondamuthur, RID 3201 — collaborated with the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University to organise a three-day Covai Flower Show at the 23-acre Botanical Gardens in Coimbatore. It was inaugurated by Agriculture minister M R K ­Panneerselvam and minister for Urban Development S Muthuswamy. Over 4 lakh people visited the show, said project chairman C Nagaraj. The district’s impactful service projects were prominently displayed on giant LED screens across the garden. The district is planning to organise a similar show in January 2025, said event secretary A Godwin. DG T R Vijayakumar presented the Rotary Vocational Excellence Award to the university vice chancellor V Geethalakshmi.

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