Apply to serve on the 2021–22 Interact Advisory Council

For the first time in Rotary’s history a group of Interactors and Interact alumni will be able to serve at the international level and advise the RI Board to shape the future of Interact. The Interact Advisory Council will be comprised of eight current Interactors from around the world and two recent Interact alumni as advisers.

Eligibility criteria

Interactor applicants must be at least 13 years of age and current member in an active Interact club at the time of application. He/she must plan to be an active Interactor through June 30, 2022.

Interact Alumni Adviser applicants must be a Rotarian, Rotaractor, or an alumnus that was recently (within the past 5 years) a member of an Interact club. Complete the application, including a short video, telling in your own voice why you think you should be selected for the assignment.

The application must be submitted before December 20, 2020. Applicants who are able to communicate in ­English are preferred.

Council members must participate in 2–3 virtual meetings and collaborate through email while being able to meet your personal commitments to school, family, work, club, etc; be passionate about Interact and have innovative ideas aligned with Rotary’s Action Plan.

Visit Council for more information.

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