A Rotary trauma care centre at Karkala
TRF trustee vice chair Dr Bharat Pandya recently inaugurated the Yermal Revathi Premananda Shenoy Rotary Trauma and Emergency Care Centre at the Dr TMA Pai Rotary Hospital in Karkala, Udupi district, Karnataka. The trauma care centre was set up by RC Karkala Rockcity, RID 3182, with equipment worth ₹52 lakh, with the support of RCs Crown Point and Chester County (Lionville), RID 6540, USA, and TRF, through a global grant.

IPDG Dr Jayagowri Hadigal, PDG Dr Bharathesh, DRFC Dr P Narayana, Vasantha Prabhu from RC Chester County, and H S Ballal, pro-chancellor of MAHE University, Manipal, were among those present at the inauguration of the facility.