A magical network for care, selfless service


A new Rotary year is with us and we have learnt a lot of lessons in the year that has just gone by. As we engaged in bringing relief to hundreds of thousands of Covid- affected people, we learnt that the Rotary world truly has no boundaries when it provides opportunities to serve. Distributions of masks, PPE kits and sanitisers, food supply to patients under quarantine, oxygenators import, distribution and tracking, search and allocation of hospital beds to those in need and so much more happened. All this was achieved through the compassion and hard work of Rotarians worldwide coming together magically, swiftly and seamlessly to form a network of care.

We learnt through the pandemic that the world and humanity needs Rotary more than ever before. Rotary is the best suited organisation to efficiently and effectively connect resources to those in need. As we begin a new Rotary year, I urge every Rotarian to work to strengthen Rotary.

A strong membership base is a prerequisite for effective and significant service projects if we are to penetrate all corners of our community. We must therefore work towards a broad-based membership growth, with the responsibility being shared by each and every member — Each One, Bring One.

The resilience exhibited by the districts and Rotary clubs in our region in the past two years has been nothing short of amazing. Despite the world as we know it crashing down around us, Rotary clubs effortlessly adapted to the virtual world for meetings, events and even fellowship. That all events, conferences, training seminars etc were held virtually and none missed out was an admirable show of commitment to keep the show going and on the road. Congratulations everyone! Well done!

As we step forward this year, strengthened and fortified, we must resolve to operate in a leaner fashion and cast away some of the practices that may no longer be necessary and harness those which will help us grow.

Having walked a difficult path over the last two years, which may continue for some more time, and having emerged unscathed and toughened, should give us the courage to take the new and untrodden pathways. For, we must remember that the most difficult roads often lead to the most beautiful destinations. Good luck!

A S Venkatesh
RI Director, 2021–23

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