The power to transform lives

Dear Rotarians,

As we progress through this Rotary year, I am filled with pride and optimism for the impact we are making in our communities. Each of you embodies the spirit of service that Rotary stands for, and together, we are lifting lives and creating lasting change. Our collective efforts are turning our vision into reality, and as we move into the next phase of the year, our focus shifts to one of the most critical areas: economic and community development.

Economic and community development is about creating opportunities for people to sustain themselves with dignity. While poverty has plagued our country for centuries, our enduring national spirit is slowly but surely driving us back to our past glory. The streets are filled with vendors — selling vegetables, fruits, snacks, repairing mobiles, stitching clothes, and crafting handmade goods — each a testament to the resilience of those striving to make a living, despite limited resources. Although they may cause disruptions and offend our sensibilities, their relentless determination is something we must recognise and support.

For centuries, India has shaped the world with wisdom, offering knowledge and philosophies. Today, our people manage global enterprises and contribute to economies worldwide. Yet at home, while we see a revival of the entrepreneurial spirit, many still struggle to rise out of poverty. As Rotarians, we have the power to change this. Every opportunity we create not only lifts an individual out of poverty but also transforms entire families, paving the way for a future where our children can thrive in a secure and prosperous world.

I have witnessed firsthand the talent, compassion and dedication of Rotarians during my visits to districts and clubs. Our members are eager to surpass their previous efforts, with a natural desire to help others. Our leaders are focused on enriching the club experience, which builds stronger connections and leads to greater participation in events and projects. I can confidently say that not a moment passes in Rotary without someone, somewhere, benefiting directly from the efforts and contributions of a Rotarian. No other organisation can claim this kind of global impact.

Project Positive Health is a national initiative aimed at raising awareness about the importance of walking, exercising and eating right. I encourage you all to embrace these healthy habits and promote them among your family and friends. Another crucial focus for us is DEI — Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. While we are a diverse nation, equity and inclusion still need attention. It’s time we take deliberate steps to embed these values into our clubs and communities. A more equal and inclusive society is our safeguard against internal conflicts.

In closing, I want to express my deep gratitude for your support. Rotary’s impact is felt across the globe, and it’s your commitment that makes this possible. As we continue our journey, let’s stay united in our mission to serve, uplift and inspire. We will make this year one of remarkable achievements and lasting change, and continue crafting the Magic of Rotary.

Raju Subramanian
RI Director, 2023–25

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