Take up large, sustainable projects


As I sit down to pen my last piece as a director of Rotary International, the first thought that comes to my mind is that “time flies”! It has been a thoroughly enjoyable journey where I learnt a lot. I had the opportunity to travel the length and breadth of our country, interacting with thousands of Rotarians, listening to them, enthused by their passion and amazed at their commitment. I thank everyone for the warmth and generous hospitality showered on Vinita and me in every part of the country.

There is no doubt that Rotary in our region is robust, healthy and on a positive growth trajectory. The Rotarians in our region rose up to the call given by our president and imagined highly impactful community service activities that made a difference to the community that we live in, and worked tirelessly to make those dreams come true.

The leadership at every level demonstrated a great deal of commitment. Each one trying to do better than the other in a healthy way. However, we cannot rest on our laurels. We need to work on areas that can be done better. There are a few thoughts that come to my mind.

Firstly, we can, at every level, look beyond a year when we plan our projects. Though most offices are only a year long, the community that we serve will benefit a lot more with large projects that are sustainable and highly impactful, but may not be completed in a year.

Next, sustainable membership growth, and not just addition of numbers, has to be our focus. This will keep us healthy in the long run. The efforts in this direction has to be broad-based with the active involvement of every member of the club. This will ensure greater retention.

Lastly, let us create an environment where all Rotarians are knowledgeable about the good work done by The Rotary Foundation, so that they may spread the word and also contribute themselves. Let everyone feel it is their Foundation.

I am hopeful about the future. My wishes to every Rotarian as you strive in your own way to Create Hope in the World!

Sayonara! Au revoir! Auf wiedersehen! Until we meet again…

A S Venkatesh
RI Director, 2021–23

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