Over 1,400 free cataract surgeries in Lagos Indoor Eye Foundation Hospital being put up by the Indian community in collaboration with the Rotary clubs when completed would be used for the free surgeries."> Rest of Rotary World Over 1,400 free cataract surgeries in Lagos Indoor Eye Foundation Hospital being put up by the Indian community in collaboration with the Rotary clubs when completed would be used for the free surgeries. Mar 2018Mar 05 2018 Vanguard cataract, Lagos, Mission for Vision, nigeria Viewed: 811 Over 1,400 free cataract surgeries in Lagos Indoor Eye Foundation Hospital being put up by the Indian community in collaboration with the Rotary clubs when completed would be used for the free surgeries." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/over-1400-free-cataract-surgeries-in-lagos/">Read more
Rotary Nigeria launches Mission for Vision During his visit, DG Wale Ogunbadejo praised the club for taking a slew of projects and called for effective management of primary health centres."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary Nigeria launches Mission for Vision During his visit, DG Wale Ogunbadejo praised the club for taking a slew of projects and called for effective management of primary health centres. Aug 2017Aug 09 2017 Isaac Taiwo, The Guardian Bhojpuri Pariwar, cataract, Gujarati Samaj, Lagos Palmgrove Estate, nigeria, Wale Ogunbadejo Viewed: 755 Rotary Nigeria launches Mission for Vision During his visit, DG Wale Ogunbadejo praised the club for taking a slew of projects and called for effective management of primary health centres." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-nigeria-launches-mission-for-vision-project/">Read more