Rotarian Code of Conduct

Here is the updated Rotarian Code of Conduct; the last aspect has been included since Jan 2019.


As a Rotarian, I will:

  • Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life
  • Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect
  • Use my professional skills through Rotary to:  mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world
  • Avoid behaviour that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians.
  • Help maintain a harassment-free environment in Rotary meetings, events, and activities, report any suspected harassment, and help ensure non-retaliation to those individuals that report harassment (January 2019 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 119).

Source:  COL 89-148; Amended by May 2011 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 204; September 2011 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 87; October 2013 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 31; January 2014 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 88; October 2014 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 60; January 2019 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 119




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