Raising awareness on diabetes

On World Diabetes Day (Nov 14) last year, RC SPIC Nagar, RID 3212, in collaboration with Dr Arul’s ­Diabetes Centre in Thoothukudi, organised a ­diabetes awareness camp in the port city. A range of medical examinations including testing blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, HBA1c (test to diagnose type 2 ­diabetes), ­biothesiometry (to detect neuropathy), dental and eye checkup were conducted. Over 500 people availed the services at the camp.

A biothesiometry test being conducted
at the diabetes screening camp.

A symposium on managing diabetes was addressed by medical experts from the diabetes centre. The day-long programme concluded with an awareness rally in which 300 students from two nursing colleges participated along with Rotarians from various Rotary clubs in the city. PDG Dr K ­Vijayakumar flagged off the rally.

The club has been observing World Diabetes Day with awareness programmes and diabetes screening camps for the past 15 years.

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