Next institute… Kochi

Kochi Zone Institute Chair PDG John Daniel presents a model snake boat, a traditional war boat of Kerala, to RI President Gordon McInally and Heather. Also present (from L) PDG S Muthupalaniappan, Kochi ­Institute Secretary Jose Chacko, his spouse Mary and Meera Daniel (R).

RI director Anirudha ­Roychowdhury, as convenor of the next Rotary zone institute, along with his wife Shipra, invited ­delegates of the Bengaluru ­institute to “enjoy the ­enchanting ­backwaters and nature’s captivating beauty” at Kochi, Kerala — the venue for the 2024 ­institute to be held at the Lulu ­Convention Centre, Grand Hyatt, Bolgatty Islands, during Dec 6–8.

RI director Raju ­Subramanian is the co-convenor and PDG John ­Daniel (RID 3211) the chair for the institute. TRF trustee vice-chair Bharat ­Pandya, PRIDs Kamal ­Sanghvi and A S Venkatesh are the chief advisors. PDGs Madhav Chandran (co-chair), Jose Chacko (secretary) and B M Sivarraj (treasurer) will also steer the event.

RI Director Anirudha Roychowdhury at the stall promoting the 2024 Rotary Zone Institute for which he is the convenor.

“It is our institute and each institute must be better than the past. Each one of us should support the Kochi ­institute to ensure that our friendships will help us build a better Rotary in India,” said RID Subramanian. Conveying his best wishes to RID ­Roychowdhury, he said, “Vidhya and I will walk with you every inch of the way to support this institute.” Over 700 delegates were registered at the Bengaluru institute.

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