Message from the RI Director

DDZI: yet another wham!

Those who have registered for the Dazzling Dubai Zone Institute (DDZI) will experience excellent business with pleasure. The strategy for both my Institutes has been Winning Hearts And Minds (WHAM).

Winning hearts and minds is a concept worth imbibing in life though it may not be easy. It was first used by Louis Hubert Gonzalve Lyautey, a French General and Colonial Administrator, as part of his strategy to counter the Black Flags rebellion along the Indochinese border in 1895. Later it was used in the Vietnam and Malayan wars. You can see the Malaysian women more active in politics too. That is the impact it can create.

It has been occasionally expressed in the resolution of war, insurgency and other conflicts, in which one side seeks to prevail not by the use of superior force, but by making emotional or intellectual appeals to sway supporters of the other side.

Let me put aside wars and business. Our experience at Jaipur has made my belief firm that WHAM is vital in any field. Sometimes, we transact only business but without pleasure; sometimes it is only pleasure and no business. Why can’t we create a good balance of both so that it appeals to everyone’s heart as well as mind? Science has proved that both are different. While one is the Emotional Quotient (EQ), the other is Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

Wherever we travel this year, we hear praise for the Jaipur Zone Institute and that has put significant pressure on Chairman Raja Seenivasan and the entire team of DDZI — that too in a different country with different sets of rules. Can you believe that I have made 12 trips to Dubai and Raja has made even more than that?

We have selected the best venues for memorable evenings, and speakers who can create an unforgettable impression on minds. We have got the choicest entertainment to thrill all delegates and lure you all to shake your legs.

Friends, both Sharmishtha and I have known you well in spite of our exhaustive travel schedule in the past one year and five months. This year, despite my significant travel to the US, we could visit nearly 21 districts until now. You all wanted a change and Dubai was chosen. We had to close down registrations on November 7… our big thanks to you all.

You must have read the two issues of the newsletter Dazzler with all important news. Please go through it once again before coming to Dubai to be well informed on what is going to happen. There is enough time for pleasure. My only request is: be there for the business sessions on time. Only then can we attempt to win your hearts and minds.

The countdown has begun. Only two weeks to go. Chair Raja, Vice Chair T V R Murti, Secretary Abhay Gadgil and Joint Secretary N Asoka and Team 247 is awaiting you all with utmost respect.

I convey my sincere thanks to DG Saeed of Dubai and PP Yaseen, the Emirates Airlines and the Dubai Tourism Department for their unstinted support.

Remember, Nothing is Impossible comes from the deserts of the UAE where Dubai dazzles. It also highlights the Rotary spirit of Zones 4, 5 and 6A in ­eradicating Polio and the various Literacy and WinS projects.

Let us enjoy Dazzling Dubai Zone Institute.

Manoj Desai
Director, Rotary International

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