Meet your Governors

Udaykumar Bhaskara
Packaging RC Bangalore Cubbon Park, RID 3191

A big push to e-clubs in Bengaluru

Feeling gung-ho over the newly carved district 3191, Udaykumar Bhaskara says, “in the coming years, our clubs will do wonders in membership growth, TRF-giving and CSR projects.” At present, there are 92 clubs having 3,500 members and “we have achieved a net membership growth of 13 per cent already. But at the same time, 200 Rotarians have quit thus posing a retention challenge.”

Led by the DG, the team encourages young professionals to join e-clubs “where they meet online instead of physically. Also, we are focusing on giving a big push to hybrid model clubs, where they can have both physical and online meetings with a flexible approach,” he explains. At present there are three e-clubs and 4–5 hybrid model clubs. A government school near Whitefield, an IT neighbourhood, was upgraded at a cost of ₹5.3 crore through a combination of global grant and CSR funding.

Rotary’s Answer to Cancer Enigma (RACE) is a signature project in which cancer detection camps are held for men and women regularly. “We have done four RACE camps, and our target is to screen one lakh people in the next two years.” Around 100 atmospheric water generators are installed in government schools through CSR grants and member contributions. For TRF-giving, his target is $1.5 million. He joined Rotary in 1996 inspired by his uncle Sreeram Bhaskara, a Rotarian from Mumbai.


Ravi Raman
IT infrastructure, RC Madras Coromandel, RID 3232

Bifurcated districts will grow rapidly

Known for his expertise in drafting global grant applications, Ravi Raman says, “I was directly involved in securing 100 GG projects for clubs across Tamil Nadu, and those in the US, Australia, African countries and Peru.” With 188 clubs having around 6,600 members, he is the last governor of RID 3232 as it will be bifurcated next year.

Having joined Rotary in 1996 “only to enjoy cricket fellowship,” he took up active interest in service projects from 2012. The district clubs have initiated 60 GG projects ($2.5 million) and 20 CSR projects ($2 million) this year, with the  DG’s guidance. Over the last three years, “we have invested ₹40 crore (multiple GGs) in setting up dialysis centres; spent over ₹30 crore in eyecare projects (both GG+CSR funding); donated equipment worth ₹50–60 crore for cardiac care, cancer treatment and mobile clinics; and ₹75 crore through GGs and CSR grants for upgrading schools and smart classes,” he explains. Around 60 lakes were restored (₹25 crore) over the last three years.

After the bifurcation, “difference of opinion among the district’s Rotary leaders  have eased, and both the new districts are poised for rapid growth,” he says.  His target for TRF-giving is $2.5 million.

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