Letters to the Editor – March 2024

LBW: A delightful read

Whenever I receive Rotary News I always turn to the last page first to read the LBW column written by TCA Srinivasa Raghavan. I enjoy his inimitable style of writing, describing ordinary life situations and comparing them to the greater reality of life.

Read in the Jan issue about his childhood prank along with three miscreant school mates. One landed in jail. The other two? Here is the masterstroke from the writer: They probably became politicians. I laughed aloud and now wait for the next issue to turn to the last page first.

Sasidharan K, RC Mavelikara — D 3211

I endorse the views of Srinivasa Raghavan in his LBW column on the issue of rough driving (Jan issue).

In my place, Erode, the drivers of vehicles like school vans, commercial trucks and autorickshaws, apart from two-wheelers, are negligent, rash, indifferent, aggressive and treat law-abiding drivers with disdain. Traffic rules are obeyed only in the breach. The other day, a school van driver at a road intersection did not like my crossing his path, though I was doing it as per law. He moved his van so close to my car that the other occupants in my car prayed to god for safety.

The golden rule is that, “drive as you like on the road, but without hitting others. After all, love rules and rules are not loved.”

V Pasupathi, RC Erode — D 3203

This has reference to the LBW ­column. Our country is known for its inequalities in wealth, power and education. Here the writer has magnanimously admitted that he is the underachiever in the family but having read most of his articles and knowing some of his activities in the past, I can vouch that none in the family can equal him in writing. Cheers

A P M Gopalakrishnan, RC Kottayam — D 3211

In the Editor’s note, you are spot on in urging Rotarians to keep their eyes open and reach out to help persons suffering from depression. At the same time, our thrust should be on the eradication of social evils that result in mental illness leading to miserable consequences. Since depression rates are higher in females than males, Rotarians should take up projects for the mental health of women. The editorial is penned at a right time when the world is grappling with mental health issues.

Arun Kumar Dash, RC Baripada — D 3262

A unique walkathon

It is heart-touching to see that RC Bharuch and R K hospital have organised a walkathon for a group of 300 people covering elderly and disabled persons in large.

Since mental health is the thrust programme of RI president, club president Rizwana Talkin ­Zamindar took this initiative for the special ­people. Hats off to her and her team for bringing out this wonderful opportunity for the disabled and it would have been a memorable event in their life.

N Jagatheesan, RC Eluru — D 3020

To project RI President ­McInally’s focus area of mental health, RC Bharuch joined hands with R K ­Hospital and other service ­organisations to hold a walkathon for the differently-abled ones and elderly people.Club president Rizwana’s work for the handicapped engages people, creates positive vibes, inclusiveness, empathy and mental wellness. Around 300 persons including Rotarians, volunteers of other partners, companions of elders, and the blind with their aides participated. The happiness of the participants when receiving the medal can be imagined. A project executed with so much care and empathy needs to be emulated.

V R T Dorairaja, RC Tiruchirapalli — D 3000

It is interesting to read the article ‘Learn about the good stress’ by Bharat and Shalan Savur. It rightly points out that stress is a result of one’s mental and emotional state of mind.

A relatively new word ‘eustress’ introduced by endocrinologist Hans Selyei is explained as the type of stress that leads to positive response. Eustress helps us to prepare our mind to tackle new and difficult projects. The last paragraph gives a number of tips to embrace eustress like learning new things, trying to be out of your comfort zone etc. My congratulations to the authors.

M Palaniappan, RC Madurai West — D 3000

Rotary News, my music therapy

I always prefer a hard copy of Rotary News. Pictures attract not only me but most of the people who love music before reading the lines on it. Cover photos are unique and display our unity in diversity.

Articles like Girls ­empowered through Project Asmita, ­Rotary’s ­ absence in Gaza explained, A Rotary Mithai Mission for our soldiers and Friendship beyond borders are all interesting and impressive.

RIPN’s views in the article No fake clubs, no bogus members, no cooking up numbers is true and need to be followed diligently as he talked about healthy membership.

Soumitra Chakraborty, RC Calcutta Universe — D 3291

A self-defeating car rally?

The snippet ‘Car rally spreads ­climate change awareness’ under Project Vignettes is rather intriguing. While details are sparse, it says the rally traversed 5,905km in 14 days. I presume several cars were involved. The emission from these cars would have added to the pollution and global warming, which is the reason for the desperate move towards EV cars around the world. If the cars involved were not EV cars, then isn’t there a contradiction in this rally trying to promote climate change awareness?

Though I am not a Rotarian, I was a participant many years ago in your Group Study Exchange programme. I happened to see your wonderful ­magazine and read about the good work Rotary does around the country.

C Gopinath

Thank you for referring the reader’s response, which makes us happy that questions are being raised on the emission/carbon impact created by our journey. This is a testimony to the awareness we wanted to create. Ours is a solo car rally during which we promoted anti-plastic awareness, reforestation and the need to preserve the ecology.

We believe electric vehicles are not the right replacement to automobiles running on fuel for a few reasons. The batteries require immense mining of precious minerals and there aren’t cent per cent recycling systems ready yet for the discarded batteries. Answering the question raised, in order to carbon neutralise our travel, just before starting the journey we set up a ­nursery to raise 32,320 saplings. We will be planting the saplings this year to meet this goal. Even though we may not achieve ‘net zero,’ the important objective was to raise awareness and we shall strive to lead by example.

Sivabala Rajendran, RC Chennai Meraki — D 3232

Rotary relief for flood victims

The cover photo of the Feb issue is heartening as it depicts the pitiful condition of those affected by floods in South Tamil Nadu. But we can find solace from the fact that Rotarians forming different groups have distributed relief material to them.

RI President Gordon McInally explains well the importance of Rotarians maintaining good mental health, while the Editor’s note focused on keeping a regular watch on people who are mentally disturbed and reaching out to them in time whenever required. RI Director Raju Subramanian has urged the clubs to make their proceedings interesting to new members in order to retain them. TRF trustee chair Barry Rassin highlighted the role of Rotary Peace Centres. All the articles are thought-provoking, making us read them all in detail. The pictures are vivid and colourful. As a whole, the Feb issue is excellent, thanks to the editorial team.

Philip Mulappone M T, RC Trivandrum Suburban — D 3211

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