Letters to the Editor – July 2024


A mockery of justice

The heart-wrenching incident of reckless driving by an inebriated 17-year-old boy killing two youngsters is condemnable. But the punishment meted out at first to the guilty made a mockery of our justice system. Allowing influential people to escape the long arm of law only emboldens the privileged to break the law more often. The guilty must be punished, and quickly too.

Raj Kumar Kapoor, RC Roop Nagar — D 3080

The Editor’s note When the privileged wreak havoc on the ­dominance of influential people made a big impression on me. The immoral actions of those with position, money and influence are harmful to the common man. Using influence to escape punishment for wrongdoing is unacceptable.

R Thayumanavan, RC Cuddalore Mid Town — D 2981

Jaishree’s article on understanding mental health challenges in the May issue is fantastic. Thank you for guiding the youth by publishing useful information that every parent should be aware of. Also, the article Bike for the big burn, details not only the ­benefits of cycling, but the need to change our eating habits.

G J Kannan, RC Dindigul West — D 3000

I found the article on mental health problems and challenges, especially among youngsters, very interesting. Dr Lakshmi Vijayakumar has ­suggested in detail ways to reduce stress that leads to mental illness, and has also talked about having healthy and open conversation in families to educate children on stress, depression, etc.

T D Bhatia, RC Delhi Mayur Vihar — D 3012

It was heartening to read the article Creating hope in a Naxal-infested area. I used to feel sad reading the reports of encounters in Naxal areas and the numerous killings. I salute the efforts of Rajeev Warbe; this is a ­path-breaking move which should be emulated by Rotarians in other areas too without delay.

N Jayachandran, RC Madras Central — D 3232

The letter from a non-Rotarian from Gujarat in the June issue, belittling Bharat Ratna and former ­President of India Dr A P J Abdul Kalam should not have been published. An ­excellent ­person, he had risen beyond the ­barriers of religion, language and region and was loved by everyone in the country.

Murali Krishna R V, RC Moodabidri — D 3181

The content of the letter on former President Kalam is highly derogatory, particularly for an organsiation like Rotary, known for its secular values.

M Shanmugam, RC Thanjavur Mid Town — D 2981

Make minimum attendance a must

I am an 89-year-old Rotarian, ­charter president of my club, and served Rotary for 34 years. I am pained at the worsening standards in Rotary due to induction of new members who have either no interest or have not understood the philosophy of the institution.

Earlier a minimum attendance at club meetings was compulsory but now most Rotarians have poor attendance. I find that most district officials have a poor attendance record in their parent clubs. I feel that minimum attendance must be strictly enforced. It is better to have a small number of committed Rotarians rather than a motley crowd whose interests do not match Rotary’s ideals.

Nanubhai Mehta, RC Thane Mid Town — D 3142

Interesting profile of Prez Stephanie

Thanks for the in-depth coverage of the visit of RI President Stephanie Urchick to India, and her interesting profile, where, under At a glance all her passions and interests are beautifully narrated. ­Thankfully, the incoming president has a clear idea on the quality of Rotary members; while she admits that to grow, Rotary needs new members, she makes it clear that the clubs have to take the right ­people, who can understand the core values of Rotary and its commitment to service.

During her recent visit to ­Bengaluru, I chatted with her briefly and she said clubs should address the urgent needs of their communities. She expressed happiness at the confidence level of the Rotarians in India and their acumen in choosing the right service projects for the local communities.

R Srinivasan, RC Bangalore JP Nagar — D 3191

It was a delight to see the beautiful photo of our RI President ­Stephanie on the June cover. The Editor’s note narrates well how power and wealth dominate India in the context of the Pune car accident due to reckless, drunken ­driving by a 17-year-old boy.

TRF chair Barry Rassin has urged us to dream big for the future, while RID Raju ­Subramanian has called for ­membership ­retention. The interview of President ­Stephanie by the editor and other related articles about her are very interesting.

Photos are colourful too. Other articles including RC Roop Nagar conducts crucial training,The Rotary buzz in Kolkata, Happy schools, happier children, A journey to chaos…, Boosting local healthcare, Slow down on fast fashion and Consistency is the key are all interesting. A requiem to Boeing 747 is a ­fitting tribute to that jumbo plane. The June issue is superb.

Philip Mulappone M T, RC Trivandrum Suburban — D 3211

Recollecting with pride all that has been achieved during his tenure, outgoing RI President ­Gordon McInally has given a clarion call to Rotarians to fulfil their promises to the children of the world by supporting the ‘End Polio Now’ campaign to reach zero cases. He rightly said that peacebuilding and Rotary Peace ­Centers are earning positive ­mileage in Rotary’s quest for global peace. He urges all members to join the Rotary Action Group on mental health initiatives. Let us work together to realise his vision to Create Hope in the World.

V R T Dorairaja, RC Tiruchairapalli — D 3000

I read the June edition from the beginning to end. It was interesting to read about RI President Stephanie and equally remarkable to know about Rotary’s programmes, projects and camps, which made me feel happy as a Rotarian.

Also, it was enjoyable to read the editorial on the Porsche hit and run case and the article A journey to chaos… and back. While writing a book review is easy to produce an article, I feel that we should concentrate on any essential news, publications and improvements that Rotarians can utilise.

Venkatesh M N, RC ­Bangalore South West — D 3191

Excellent editorials

Your Editor’s notes and articles are a treat to the senses, transporting one to the subject/destinations you so prolifically write about, oft bringing a sense of loss for having missed the destinations/project/event you have written about.

As I read another such ­Editor’s note, sipping my cuppa of green tea, I felt that what I have been ­putting off for years should be reaffirmed as life is unpredictable and one cannot take it for granted, as I linger beside my papa’s ­hospital bed for the last 79 days.

My father, who is 96-plus, has taught me many a life lesson, one being to appreciate those persons who doggedly take up a task, ­giving their all. I am positive there are many Rotarians who echo my sentiments. Excellence, unquestionably, needs to be acknowledged and applauded. Thank you for the myriad splendid articles that you have put together for years, and warm wishes for another eloquent year ahead.

Susann Koshy, RC Kottayam — D 3211

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