Letters to the Editor – February 2020

Group dynamics in Rotary

The article Group dynamics work best in Rotary: Shekhar Mehta gives excellent guidelines to newly-inducted Rotarians. A collective team of Rotarians makes it possible to do noble work for society. The eradication of polio from India is one such group dynamics at work. This initiative has saved the lives of children especially those from underprivileged families who were not aware of the crippling disease. Thanks for publishing excellent articles in Rotary News.

T D Bhatia, RC Delhi Mayur Vihar — RID 3012

It was a much-needed seminar that was hosted by RC Seven Hills ­Dharwad, RID 3170, on MHM. Rotary is a platform where woman and men can jointly discuss the problems that arise during menstruation without inhibitions.

The concept of introducing reusable pads and menstrual cup is a noble idea. Distribution of Happy Kits to school girls and educating them about the importance of washing hands and using toilets is the main takeaway from this seminar. The event reflected the bondage between four Rotary districts which had gathered for a common social cause.

Chinmaya Mahapatra RC Bhubaneswar, Heritage — RID 3262

While going through the cover story Suicide is a cry for help, I was shocked to note that people are inclined to take extreme steps for various reasons ranging from education, family problems to health issues. But the major cause for suicide is the inability to tolerate the intensity of depression.

It is wonderful to see the helpline Sneha, founded by Dr Lakshmi, offering 24×7 support with a team of volunteers for depressed people. Having a good family life with friends and social interactions will go a long way to avoid suicidal thoughts.

N Jagatheesan, RC Eluru — RID 3020

Our aviation officials must take note of the relevant message conveyed in the article Ouch… those late night flights! by TCA Srinivasa Raghavan and take corrective steps. My greetings for a happy and prosperous new year to the editorial team.

K Devarajan, RC Coimbatore, East — RID 3201

Indore Institute in colourful pages

I am delighted at the unique action photograph of Durga Vandana at the Indore Institute on the January cover, ­captured by V Muthukumaran. In the Editor’s Note titled An institute to remember, the essence of the Institute was captured. RI Director Bharat ­Pandya with his uncanny ability kept a tight control on the events. My compliments to the Editor and her team for bringing out a ­beautiful magazine full of Rotary information and club projects.

Another thought-provoking ­article is Women seek opportunities, not favours to succeed. There is hue and cry for women’s empowerment but if women can’t have a say in the decision-making ­process, how can they be empowered?

Swami Vivekananda has rightly said, “just give them ­education and they are ­capable enough to get empowered.” Empowering women and girls is key to social transformation.

Patriarchy is rampant in our households and society as women continue to suffer cruelty, abuse and subordination at home. How can such women dare to speak up?

Raj Kumar Kapoor, RC Roopnagar — RID 3080

I look forward to Rotary News every month and read it at one go. The Jan issue has covered the Indore Institute so well that I felt I had attended the event. The photographs are very good and covered all aspects of the Institute.

The President Speaks has ­emphasised upon the ­Four-Way-Test. Our club gave the Four-Way-Test Award to ­Sindhutai Sapakal, who has adopted over 1,400 ­children. This award ­function was attended by RIPN ­Shekhar Mehta who assured all help from Rotary to Sindhutai. The report on TRF ­Seminar is ­informative and ­interesting. Our club is ­implementing a global grant worth ₹1 crore which will cover WinS project in 20 schools at Kolkata and few ­districts of West Bengal. Looking forward to the next issue.

R K Bubna, RC Belur — RID 3291

Congratulations to PRID Ashok Mahajan on getting the ­prestigious Polio Pioneer Award at the Indore Institute. The TRF Star Performers deserve kudos for their magnanimity.

All speeches made by Rotary leaders at the Institute were superb. The ­colourful pictures of the sessions make the issue interesting to both see and read.

Smriti Irani’s statement that “we need to start from home, as we are responsible for how our sons perceive women or how our daughters stand up for their rights” is thought-provoking.

The message on vocational ­service by RI President Mark Maloney explains the purpose of joining Rotary to new members. Glad to read that RC Calcutta is turning 100 in January 2020. Maloney’s remarks on the challenges ­facing Rotary are an eye-opener.

Trustee Chair-elect PRIP K R ­Ravindran’s comments on spending prudently TRF funds for projects are noteworthy. I am delighted to note that the number of AKS members has crossed 1,000 and India stands second in the list. Mother Teresa’s formula for giving is marvellous: “Give till it hurts, and then some more.”

Overall, the January issue is superb and sustains its quality.

Philip Mulapone M T, RC Trivandrum Suburban — RID 3211

The panoramic views along with illustrative pictures on the Indore Institute make the Jan issue innovative and holistic. This is evidence of the excellent journalism being pursued by Team Rotary News. Congrats and keep it up.

Dr B Nagalingam Pillai, RC Nagercoil — RID 3212

I was impressed with RIPN Shekhar Mehta’s address to the DGEs. His message — Think from the heart, not the mind — is very true and if followed, will bring huge transformation in our societies. Let us all work together to realise his dream of making India literate by 2025.

R Thayumanavan, RC Cuddalore, Midtown — RID 2981

RI President Mark Maloney has rightly spoken on vocational service built on the highest ethical standards. As a Rotarian for over 20 years, I have come across club members with such qualities and as perfect followers of the Four-Way-Test.

Editor Rasheeda’s article on Sarafa Bazaar in Indore shows how much she and her colleagues relished the food variety in this market known for its diverse taste. She has paid glowing tributes in her Editor’s Note to RI Director Dr Bharat Pandya and Institute Chairman Raju Subramanian for a well-organised Zone Institute. RIPN Shekhar Mehta has urged the DGEs to “think from the heart, not the mind”, a timely advice to future district governors. To tackle the stagnation in membership, each Rotarian must induct a new member, which if done, will double Rotary’s membership.

Let us all wish Dr Bina Vyas, the incoming IIW President, the very best in her endeavour. She will be the seventh Indian to hold the coveted post and we wish that she has a good successful term as IIW chief.

It is heartening to read that Rotary Founder Paul Harris’s home in Chicago would be rebuilt with contributions from Rotarians. I hope the donations pour in to accomplish the task in time.

S Muniandi, RC Dindigul, Fort — RID 3000

The article Binging on street food in Indore has influenced my family so much that we have booked our tickets to Indore in February. The coverage and photographs are very informative. Thank you for helping us plan our vacation.

Rakesh Bhatia, RC Belur — RID 3291

Once again the Editor was able to bring live before us the happenings at the Zone Institute with her enchantingly-written ­editorial. Keep it up.

V G Deodhar, RC Nasik — RID 3030

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