Let’s renew our support to TRF

As we enter 2025, it is time to reflect on our past achievements and gear up for the future. With a tremendous past which has made The Rotary Foundation as a force for doing good in the world it is now time to focus and strengthen it to play an increasingly important role in the future. Whether it is polio eradication (and we will get there), Programs of Scale, peace and goodwill, or building the $2.025 billion Endowment Fund by 2025, truly TRF is touching lives and transforming communities and countries, thanks to the commitment, passion and support of Rotarians like you dear reader.

Thank you for your sterling support to TRF. When we give to the Foundation, we can make a larger impact together as a Rotary family than we could do alone. Your contributions become the grants that fund the projects, which transform people’s lives and create lasting change. So I request you to:

  • Support the Annual Fund:
    • Increase the number of donors by 20 per cent; 28 per cent of Rotarian donors contributed to the Annual Fund in 2023–24. Fifty per cent from the previous year were repeat donors, and 50 per cent of them did not contribute. Encourage repeat contributions.
    • Encourage and ensure 100 per cent club contribution to TRF. In 2021–22 we had three districts with 100 per cent clubs contributing to TRF, in 2022–23 there were eight districts and in 2023–24, 10 districts. In 2024–25 already 12 districts have achieved 100 per cent club contribution. That is very good. Congratulations to these districts.
    • Don’t forget the small donors. Significant achievements are made by small steps in the right direction. Recognise these donors at club events, club installations and club visits.
    • Lead by example by making your contribution to the Annual Fund.
    • Encourage more Rotarians to join the Paul Harris Society.
  • Support the Endowment Fund: The EF ensures a bright tomorrow for our Rotary Foundation. The goal is $2.025 billion by 2025. When we reach the goal, it will enable us to have about $50 million in spendable earnings every year. Imagine how much good we can do. So please contribute to the Endowment Fund. By increasing our endowment, we can ensure that Rotary can do good in the world well beyond our lifetime.

Arch Klumph once remarked, “We should be ambitious for Rotary.” Let us channel our ambition by working through and supporting the Foundation. Remember ‘there is no exercise better for the heart than reaching out and lifting others up.’ That is the magic of The Rotary Foundation.

Bharat Pandya
TRF Trustee

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