Jalandhar Rotarians distribute winter jackets

In a multipronged initiative, more than 20 volunteers from RC Jalandhar, RID 3070, came together to distribute winter jackets to 550 underprivileged families. “We formed micro teams for project ­execution across different parts of the city. The project was conceived and sponsored by PDG S V Hans,” said Jasmin Pannu, wife of club president Prabhpal Singh Pannu.

Club members with beneficiaries.
Club members with beneficiaries.

A special distribution drive was conducted at the railway station for the benefit of coolies and other Railway staff and the club organised programmes at places like sports ­academies and slum colonies for bulk distribution of winter jackets.

The ­beneficiaries included rickshaw ­pullers, daily wagers, coolies, slum dwellers, physically-challenged people, domestic help and street vendors, besides ­trainees at the Birring Hockey Academy.

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