From RI South Asia Office desk

Rotary Foundation (India) rewarded Rotary Foundation (India) rewarded The CSR team at RISAO had nominated Rotary Foundation (India) to the UBS Forums for Rotary’s polio eradication efforts. RF (I) has bagged two awards as ‘Most Committed NGO’ and ‘NGO of the Year’ at the CSR Summit and Awards 2019 held in New Delhi.

The UBS Forums aim to develop transformational leadership for individuals and industry through panel discussions and thinktank sessions to actively engage participants beyond the traditional one-way information stream.

Head - TRF Sanjay Parmar and Senior ­Programme Associate Bhavna Verma receive the award from VP, Head of Communications - ­Corporate Affairs and CSR, Nissan India Abhishek Mahapatra.
Head – TRF Sanjay Parmar and Senior ­Programme Associate Bhavna Verma receive the award from VP, Head of Communications – Corporate Affairs and CSR, Nissan India Abhishek Mahapatra.

AKS members as of Aug 2019

Nirav Shah and Devina (RID 3141) and A K Natesan and Parvathy (RID 2982). They are members of the Trustees Circle.

2019–20 Fundraising goal

The fundraising goal for RF (I) for 2019–20 is $30 million. To commemorate Rotary India’s centennial year encourage clubs to do impactful projects in communities and raise funds to surpass the goal.

Rotary’s privacy and security policy for personal data

RI and TRF (collectively referred as “Rotary”) have adopted the Privacy Policy (“Policy”) governing collection, access and retention to personal data. The purpose of this Policy is to:

  • Define what constitutes personal data for the purposes of this Policy l Establish the various classifi- cations of data based upon its sensitivity
  • Establish minimum requirements for collecting, accessing, sharing and storing personal data l Establish the process for reporting a personal data security breach
  • Identify who is responsible for protecting personal data.

This Policy applies to Rotary employees and all those who have or are granted access to personal data. It is the responsibility of all to help maintain the confidentiality, integrity and security of personal data. More information on Rotary’s Privacy Policy can be found at

FCRA-registered Rotary entities

In the past, thanks to the generosity of donors, RF(I) had adequate funds, to disburse TRF grants from RF(I)-INR account. In 2018–19, we funded more grants in India than we did in the prior year 2017–18, along with PolioPlus activity in the region. While we were delighted to see this increase in grant activity, it also meant that we spent the RF(I)-INR funds much faster than anticipated.

We expect that the number of grant disbursements may considerably increase this year (2019–20) over last year. To meet the possible funding gap, RF(I) has decided to disburse grant from the RF(I)-FCRA account to those districts/clubs that are FCRA registered.

Therefore, districts and clubs  registered under FCRA must forward their FCRA registration and renewal certificates to Roy John at to ensure prompt grant payments.

The Learning Centre

Participants can now earn virtual badges and follow a learning plan to take a series of courses on a role or topic.

For example, each club officer role now has a learning plan that includes updated material and manuals. Club presidents will find a manual for their role in the Learning Centre. Be sure to promote these new resources to club officers — Club President Basics; Club Secretary Basics; Club Treasurer Basics; Club Membership Committee Basics; Club Administration Committee Basics; Club Public Image Committee Basics; Club Service Projects Committee Basics; and Club Rotary Foundation Committee Basics.

Update the old Learning Centre address to navigate to the new site,

Here are a few courses to consider — Rotary Club Central Resources that includes video and how-to guides for setting goals and understanding trends; and Membership courses to promote new strategies for recruiting members and enhancing clubs.

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