Creating a Rotary-Rotaract synergy

Creating a Rotary-Rotaract synergy

At the Rotary virtual convention Yichun Elyse Lin, charter president, RC Taipei Daylight, ­Taiwan, highlighted how Rotarians and Rotaractors can work in harmony to achieve Rotary’s common goal — transforming communities.

After the 2019 CoL voted to officially recognise Rotaract clubs as a membership type, the Elevate ­Rotaract Task Force appointed by the then RI ­President Mark Maloney recommended an update in Rotaract policies to reflect this new status and create an inclusive, innovative and flexible membership experience.

Elyse, a dual member herself, extolled how this elevated status can benefit both Rotarians and Rotaractors. “At club level, while developing a service project or event, when Rotaractors come up with good ideas, invite them to take the lead and manage the project as well. Rotaractors are great leaders,” she said, addressing the Rotarians and, to the Rotaractors, she suggested, “if you have a service project, you can turn to Rotarians for help. They have the professional experience and resources through their well-­developed network.”

Rotaractors are good with social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Having a Rotaractor in the team can help Rotarians expand their reach. Elyse recommended inviting Rotaractors to be part of Rotary’s district committees. “Their knowledge of technology will help in developing effective district training events,” she said, adding that her district committees benefited immensely with contributions from both, Rotarians and Rotaractors. “We triggered an amazing chain reaction when we invited Rotaractors to participate in our training seminars. Chairs of several youth district committees started inviting Rotaractors to join and serve on their committees. The DRRs, in turn, sought help from Rotary clubs to develop district service projects.” There are still so many ways to develop a synergy for Rotary and Rotaract to work together. “It benefits not only the people we serve, but ourselves too. The more connected we are, the more opportunities we will have. In the long run, we are also opening opportunities for Rotary,” said Elyse.

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