Post TRF Start planning for the TRF centennial Jun 2016Oct 06 2016 The Rotarian Doing Good in the World, Foundation100, International Assembly, New Jersey, San Deigo, TRF Viewed: 924 Read more
Tirupur’s Tryst with AKS He became a Rotarian 20 years back, but his conviction in Rotary’s goals to uplift the lives of the downtrodden and bring peace and harmony in the world, has only increased as also his contributions to TRF."> TRF Tirupur’s Tryst with AKS He became a Rotarian 20 years back, but his conviction in Rotary’s goals to uplift the lives of the downtrodden and bring peace and harmony in the world, has only increased as also his contributions to TRF. Feb 2015Dec 08 2016 Selvi Viewed: 660 Tirupur’s Tryst with AKS He became a Rotarian 20 years back, but his conviction in Rotary’s goals to uplift the lives of the downtrodden and bring peace and harmony in the world, has only increased as also his contributions to TRF." href="">Read more