Politics and Power If you are a student or observer of the Indian political scene, these books will interest you."> Reviews Politics and Power If you are a student or observer of the Indian political scene, these books will interest you. Feb 2015Nov 15 2016 TCA Srinivasa Raghavan Viewed: 1,017 Politics and Power If you are a student or observer of the Indian political scene, these books will interest you." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/politics-and-power/">Read more
A Ringside view of Indian Politics 2014: The Election that Changed India By Rajdeep Sardesai Penguin Rs 500"> Reviews A Ringside view of Indian Politics 2014: The Election that Changed India By Rajdeep Sardesai Penguin Rs 500 Jan 2015Nov 09 2016 TCA Srinivasa Raghavan Viewed: 897 A Ringside view of Indian Politics 2014: The Election that Changed India By Rajdeep Sardesai Penguin Rs 500" href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/ringside-view-indian-politics/">Read more