A digital mission in Karnataka

Eighteen months ago, 15 ­Rotarians from RC ­Bengaluru ­Harmony, RID 3191, ­conducted a six-month pilot programme at five Arivu Kendras, in Kalaburagi district of north Karnataka. Arivu  Kendras (knowledge centres) are digital learning centres located near village panchayats in Karnataka; apart from book catalogues, they are equipped with digital screens, laptops, desktops and mobile phones with internet connectivity.

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Nourishing communities

The Rotary Club of Wadhwan City, RID 3060, is operating the Annapurna Rath to provide dinner at Rs.5 a plate under its project, Bhukhya ne bhojan (food for the hungry). Since its launch in 2021–22, the initiative has provided over 1.4 lakh meals in Surendra Nagar, a twin city of Wadhwan, Gujarat, says club president Hita Jani.

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