Turn solar in 2024! Installing a solar power system could be your way of mitigating global warming in 2024.

Whoever said it was right. Solar power is the energy resource that isn’t owned yet—nobody taxes the Sun! From the break of dawn till dusk, the sun shares its heat with the earth. And in India, which lies close to the equator, there is bountiful sunlight for most part of the year. Luckily for us, this solar energy is not only freely available, but we also have the technology to harness it to light up our lives. Solar power, as is well known, is the cleanest and greenest energy resource that we can easily tap into.

Turn solar in 2024! Installing a solar power system could be your way of mitigating global warming in 2024." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/turn-solar-in-2024/">Read more

Join the ranks of the green warriors in 2024 It is the time of the year to make ­commitments that make you count.

The New Year begins with a countdown to 2030. That will be a landmark year in the global effort to heal the earth and contain global warming. Time moves rather steadily and seventy-two odd months from now, the nations of the world will subject themselves to an environmental audit to see if the sustainable goals they had set for themselves have been achieved. Have we collectively delivered or not.

Join the ranks of the green warriors in 2024 It is the time of the year to make ­commitments that make you count." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/join-the-ranks-of-the-green-warriors-in-2024/">Read more

From global warming to “global boiling” After the world experienced the hottest July ever, the alarm bells are ringing.

From global warming to “global boiling” After the world experienced the hottest July ever, the alarm bells are ringing." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/from-global-warming-to-global-boiling/">Read more

Bring out the community spirit There are a host of activities that can be done collectively to ensure a sustainable lifestyle.

Bring out the community spirit There are a host of activities that can be done collectively to ensure a sustainable lifestyle." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/bring-out-the-community-spirit/">Read more

The road less travelled Sustainable mobility will have to become an integral part of urban living if we want a pollution-free world.

The road less travelled Sustainable mobility will have to become an integral part of urban living if we want a pollution-free world." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/the-road-less-travelled/">Read more
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