Adult diapers for old age homes

Members of RC Mapusa Elegance handing over adult diapers to residents at the St Jospeh’s Old Age Home, Goa.

The Rotary Club of Mapusa ­Elegance, RID 3170, has launched a programme to provide adult diapers to old age homes in and around Goa. “The biggest expense for old age homes every month is adult diapers which ensures hygiene and dignity of the elderly people. Even a small old age home with 10–15 residents ends up running a cost of ₹30,000 a month on adult diapers,” says the club’s past president Ajay Menon. To start with, the club donated 30 packets of adult diapers to St Joseph’s Old Age Home in Bastora, Goa, and has ordered 100 more packets.

“We have decided to make this a grassroots movement by asking for a simple donation of ₹600, which is the cost of a packet, from philanthropists and Rotarians. Each packet of adult diapers that is donated by an individual, corporate or entity, will be matched by us, to double the quantity,” he says.

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