A smile restored

IPDG T R Vijayakumar (L), District director Gokulraj, RC Coimbatore Monarks IPP Dr Vikas Gupta and secretary D Sudhakar with Nivedha (R) and her father after her treatment.

Nivedha (27) is a happy woman now; her face has undergone a remarkable transformation, thanks to a corrective dental ­surgery sponsored by RC ­Coimbatore Monarks, RID 3201.

Two years ago, she was introduced to the club’s IPP Dr Vikas Gupta as a listless, malnourished, underweight woman with a chronic maxillary ­atrophy; her upper ­jawbone (maxillary bones) had eroded to the point where her teeth seemed to hang ­precariously from her gums, unsupported and fragile. Nivedha’s mother informed the doctor that she could hardly eat, and survived on liquids. Her cheeks and lips were sunken and she would not step out of the house for fear of being ridiculed for her looks, and had no friends. Gupta prescribed surgical treatments called ‘Quad zygoma’ followed by ‘all-on-4’ dental rehabilitation, with a total price tag of ₹9 lakh. The parents could not afford the treatment.

The Rotarians stepped in with a Dil Se Ghazal Nite to raise funds. The event brought in 84 donors and the support of five ­generous corporates — Tulsi Vatika, Repose, Shakti RO, Impel and Dr Gupta’s own firm, Dental Care Professionals. Each contributed ₹50,000, and the club members pitched in as well. Though the total funds fell short of the treatment’s full cost, he decided to move forward. Ganga Hospitals offered their space and Gupta, with his team of dentists, performed the reconstructive surgery on Nivedha, providing her with temporary dental implants.

Club president C N Sharavana (centre) with students after a soft skill training session.

“She is now brimming with confidence, has gained weight and looks healthy. Her face has regained its natural shape, and she no longer fears the mirror,” smiles the doctor. Nivedha is attending job interviews with ­newfound assurance, and her ­marriage alliance has been fixed. “She will receive her permanent teeth in a year,” he says.

This year, the club under the leadership of C N Sharavana, launched a year-long WinS project to install handwash stations, dispensers and liquid handwash in government schools lacking the facility. A programme to train government school students in soft skills was also inaugurated.

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