Letters to the Editor – September 2024


Great editorial

The August editorial, The language of grief…, is absolutely brilliant. Thank you for the great piece.

PDG Sam Movva, RC Vijayawada Midtown — D 3020

I am a Rotarian of over 15 years from Rotary Bangalore West. I compliment you for the excellent content in Rotary News and more than that, your editorials and articles. You have a naturally fluent way of writing. It is such a gift!

N Krishnamurthy, RC Bangalore West — D 3192

I have not seen such a heart-touching cover page as in the Aug issue during my 10 years in Rotary. The Editor’s note and RI director’s message are profound, lifting the value of the magazine to another level. Really praiseworthy.

Milan Kumar Agarwala, RC Angul Royal — D 3262

Child farmers, pink autos

RC Gandhinagar’s novel project in farming has benefited 60,000 children. They learn about the relationship between agriculture and environment, farm animals and different crop patterns. Parents buy farm produce at reasonable prices and the farmers benefit as ­brokers are eliminated. An ideal project.

V R T Dorairaja, RC Tiruchirapalli — D 3000

Sometime ago I saw a pink auto in Chennai with the Rotary emblem. I now learn from Rotary News that it is a Rotary project to empower women. Project Pink Auto is a wonderful initiative by RID 3233; 100 pink autos were given to empower women and give them ­financial freedom.

N Jagatheesan, RC Eluru — D 3020

I found the feature The playmaker on RI President Stephanie Urchick very interesting. Different club projects with their accompanying photos embrace the thoughts and ideas of Rotarians. From 2025–26 there will be no presidential theme, but I feel a theme whets the hunger of Rotarian.

Soumitra Chakraborty, RC Calcutta Universe — D 3291

The profile of RI President Stephenie and the Editor’s note, Heatwaves, cool waters, green shoots, were interesting. TRF chair Mark Maloney and trustee Bharat Pandya’s messages were superb. RI director Raju Subramanian urges Rotarians to embark on new activities by building new collaborations. This is welcome. With ‘Magic of Rotary’ being the new theme, it will really enthuse Rotarians. But the RID’s suggestion to invite committed new Rotarians is not being followed.

Niranjan Kar, RC Bhubaneswar — D 3262

What a pleasant sight it was to see Rotary News at Hotel ­Presidency, Kochi. The owner must be a Rotarian!

Jaideep Malaviya, RC Pune Camp — D 3131

I read with interest the June edit titled When the privileged wreak havoc and your comments on our current social system when a boy, not an adult, committed three crimes — drunk driving illegally an uber luxury car, Porsche, resulting in the killing of two persons. The most striking point was the grant of bail by the Juvenile Justice Board, Pune, within hours of the crime.

This only shows that our ­juvenile justice law is outdated and not in ­conformity with the time. Very rightly it is noted at the end of the editorial that Rotary has a social responsibility to intensify its efforts to spread ­awareness amongst parents to ­protect their children from alcohol and ­substance abuse.

Abhay Kishore Sandwar, RC Dhanbad Mid Town — D 3250

The picture pages with write-up on RI Convention in Singapore turn the spotlight on peace, women’s empowerment, mental health.

Daniel Chittilappilly, RC Kaloor — D 3201

Rotary News gets a WOW look

The latest edition of Rotary News is a well-designed magazine combining excellent aesthetic features with functional design elements which are both visually appealing and easy to read. The choice of fonts is providing clarity and distinction between different types of content. The choice of colours complement the content and brand identity. The design elements throughout the magazine are creating a cohesive look.

In essence, the newer version of the magazine is engaging and easy to navigate.

Shekhar Mehta, Past RI President

WOW is the expression that came to mind when I saw the refreshing new look of Rotary News (August issue) The cover, with the usual photograph replaced by a brightly coloured illustration of two children planting a tree, is very attractive. My wife thought I had bought some storybook for our grandchildren until she read the title. The new fonts for headlines and pullout quotes along with the newly designed background made me read every article. Obviously, a lot of thought has gone into the new layout for Club Matters and Project Vignettes.

It is interesting to read about innovative projects such as the Donkey Library, introducing children to nature, Shops on Wheels and Pedal Power that showcase how Rotarians care for the community. Preeti Mehra has proved herself a champion of environment by penning a great article on gardens. Kudos to the editorial team; your devotion have brought about a refreshing transformation to Rotary News.

K Ravindrakumar, RC Karur — D 3000

Change is constant in all spheres of life. The RNT team has done it at an appropriate time. Hearty congratulations to Editor Rasheeda Bhagat and her dedicated and hard working team for the change. The new design, fonts and layout are really ­attractive. I spent 90 minutes at a stretch to go through the content, page-by-page, with a lot of interest. I’m sure other Rotarians feel the same. That you plan to keep innovating is welcome news.

R Srinivasan, RC Bangalore J P Nagar — D 3191

The layout changes you have made in the ­magazine are really amazing. On seeing the new look ­magazine, I felt happy about the new mix of colours, change in the fonts of headlines and pull out quotes etc. These have made the magazine attractive and interesting. Thanks to the entire team for giving a new look Rotary News.

Giriraj Kayal, RC Shri Madhopur Sunrise — D 3056

Just received my monthly copy of Rotary News, and found that the magazine has a surprisingly new look. I loved it. The animated cover page is just too good. As I turned the pages, the colours were all smiling… lovely and colourful. The content and coverage, as always, is great.

Pranita Alurkar, RC Nigdi Pune — D 3131

Congratulations for the new look of the magazine which is very attractive. The cover story on child farmers is very interesting as the need of hour is to educate our children about farming. They don’t have even the slightest knowledge in this field. RC Gandhinagar has done a wonderful project.

O P Khadiya, RC Jaipur Kohinoor — D 3056

Delighted to see the unique cover of the August issue, illustrating a farming session for children. The new look of the magazine is certainly more attractive. RI President Stephanie Urchick has talked about the need for clubs to get the opinion of members before making changes in their functioning. The editorial is touching with references to grieving relatives during Covid times. RID Raju Subramanian has dwelt on creating hope in communities, while TRF chair Mark Maloney urges us to give to TRF to create a better world. It is a novel idea to train children in farming; this initiative is commendable.

The articles on Donkey Libraries in Ethiopia, pink autos, sustainable ­livelihood for mentally disturbed women and awards in PDG Rekha Shetty’s memory, are all interesting. Club matters in the new format is beautiful. As a whole the August issue is superb, and the team deserves congratulations.

Philip Mulappone M T, RC Trivandrum Suburban — D 3211

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