General Very Briefly – March 2015 Mar 2015Aug 10 2016 Jaishree Viewed: 530 Mary Kom, who was appointed as Brand Ambassador to endorse Rotary India Literacy Mission, with RI Director Elect Manoj Desai. A special stamp and first day cover was released at Bengaluru by DG Manjunath Shetty, RI District 3190, to commemorate the birth centenary of Dr Jonas Edward Salk, the inventor of polio vaccine. DGE Kamlesh Raheja, District 3201, received the ‘Outstanding Humanitarian Award’ from Gen (Retd.) J J Singh, former Governor of Arunachal Pradesh and Gift of Life India Chair PDG Ravishankar Bhooplapur, D 7250, New York. Raheja was instrumental in bringing the Gift of Life India Foundation to the forefront in his District, and it has facilitated over 750 paediatric heart surgeries. Share this:TweetEmailPrint