Letters to the Editor – July 2017 issue

Let the world know Rotary’s work

I appreciate the message given to Rotarians in Let’s tell the world the value of our work in the June issue. Despite India having the largest numbers in Rotary, very few in the world know the work done by Indian Rotarians. During my 36 years in Rotary, I have seen Rotarians doing noble work but are not properly exposed to media or society. Through proper PR more people will come forward to assist Rotary in its noble work. I took the help of LocalCircles.com during a blood donation camp for needy patients and donors reached the hospitals in time.

Moreover, the members of LocalCircles can give details in the event columns for their upcoming projects. I’ve done it for a blood donation camp slated for July 1. The Rotary Blood Bank, ­Tuglakabad in New Delhi, is a member of this ­circle and ­assisting the needy for their blood requirement by posting on Local

PP T D Bhatia
RC Delhi Mayur Vihar — D 3012

Excellent editorial, articles. Keep it up

My compliments to Rasheeda Bhagat for taking up the important issue of environment in the ­Editorial, Plant a sapling, start a ­revolution, which if implemented with enthusiasm, the future generations will bless us. This exercise will definitely result in clean environment and water as the underground water table is depleting by the day due to heavy axing of trees all around.

Hats off to PDG Vivek Aranha of D 3131 for doing something unique and excellent — planting thousands of drumstick trees in his district — which is unmatched and deserves appreciation. Everybody talks about tree plantation but there is continuous felling of trees in forests and urban areas to make way for new residential colonies, roads and bridges. This is leading to global warming.

Raj Kumar Kapoor
RC Roopnagar — D 3080

I love very much going through Rotary News every month. Each issue has excellent articles; in June two articles stand out — The rise of the super-agers and Shattering barriers on IPS officer Archana Ramasundaram. Keep it up.

Sushu Kamlani
RC Bombay Midtown — D 3141

The Editorial Plant a sapling, start a revolution in the June issue is the need of the hour. I’m reminded of a small but powerful statement made by my 15-year-old son Neelansh when we were discussing this write-up and the importance of planting trees. He said, “Only if trees could transmit wi-fi, human beings might have recognised their importance. But unfortunately, they produce only oxygen.”

Strong words targeting the Gen Next for their misplaced priorities.

R Murali Krishna, Past President
RC Berhampur — D 3262

​I have been in Rotary for 33 years and am more enthused about Rotary than ever. Looking forward to Ian Riseley’s year as Rotary International President (Ready wit & full of fun, June issue), and looking forward to the Atlanta gathering of some of the ​greatest people on earth.

Philip Smith
RC Smethport — D 7280

Rotary dues: Crack the whip

Your appeal to “square up your ­magazine dues before July 1” in the June issue, along with RI Director’s message (Pay up your magazine dues, May), makes me sad and ponder over the current status of Rotary clubs.


Every Rotary club inducts new members by inviting leaders across professions with reputation for personal integrity, aptitude for service and willingness to spare their time and resources for the benefit of society. The membership offer is made after much deliberation by the classification committees, board of directors. Most of the clubs raise the invoice for half-yearly dues, including the amount payable to RI South Asia Office, and Rotary ­Samachar dues payable within 30 days. But members generally don’t pay the dues in time and club presidents are often reluctant to take disciplinary action as prescribed in the Rotary constitution and bylaws. Thus, the delay in remitting pending dues.

The District Governor, during his visits, meets the ­President, President-elect of each club and takes stock of the outstanding dues that result from the casual or ­indifferent attitude of the club presidents and club members.
Each club member pays Rs 420 per annum. Rotary News dues short for 2016–17 by Rs 40 lakh means nearly 10,000 members have not paid their ­subscriptions for a year. And, as the average club strength in our region is less than 40, it works out to 240 clubs not paying their dues for one full year.

Constitution and bylaws have to be implemented strictly and membership of defaulting Rotarians should be terminated with immediate effect. Rotary leaders have to lead as well as act for they can’t turn a blind eye to financial matters as it undermines the very fabric of the Rotary institution.

Kailash Prasad Gupta
RC Udaipur — D 3052

I have gone through the appeal by RI Director (Pay up your magazine dues, May issue). I suggest club-wise dues list be sent to respective DGs with a request to help in ­realising the pending amount through their AGs in-charge of defaulting clubs. This will help to reconcile with clubs which are yet to settle the magazine dues.

Dr Sudam Basa
RC Bhubaneswar — D 3262

Thank you, Rotarians Gupta and Basa for your support. The DGs are already being briefed periodically on the dues from their districts.


Implement RIDE Basker’s views

600---Bakar---1It was exhilarating to read the article Soon a panel to monitor Global Grants (June issue) which is badly needed. In District 3070, there is no transparency in the account-keeping and no Governor submits the balance sheet within 90 days as stipulated in the manual, or even afterwards. Regarding training of future leaders, the PETS or District Assembly is often a photo-op and at these meets the district leaders try to boost their image and use the platform to solicit votes for prospective candidates of their camps, while training takes a back seat.

Time and money are wasted on conducting the District Assembly and awards ceremony. Training by videos (as suggested by RIDE C Basker) is an excellent idea and may be pursued vigorously to reduce time and expenditure. The incoming RI Director’s views must be taken note of and respected by all DGs.

H S Khurana
RC Ludhiana — D 3070

A role model

The article, Quality & participation of Indian Rotarians need to improve, is so interesting, that I read it twice. The views expressed by RIDE C Basker and the writing style of the Editor are commendable. He is a role model for every Rotarian. I agree with his opinions on strengthening clubs, better training for Rotarians, and incoming office bearers, and monitoring global grant projects. The accounts of all projects must be scrutinised and monitored by a competent authority to ensure TRF funds are used properly.

India has a good membership growth, but with DGEs urging incoming club presidents to increase ­membership of their clubs, the ­presidents simply grab those ­available, increasing quantity at the cost of quality.

Despite measures taken by the RI Board to eliminate malpractices in electing DGs, godfathers, ‘big brothers’, kingmakers and group-ism are very much rampant. Every Rotarian should vote to elect DGs, and through a democratic secret ballot to minimise malpractices.

Ramakrishna K
RC Puttur — D 3181

Thanks for PolioPlus education

I am getting Rotary News for the last many years as I am a Rotarian since 2000. The magazine has changed its total presentation after Rasheeda Bhagat has taken over as its Editor. The entire layout and topics covered have become so interesting that one feels like reading the full magazine at one go.

600---PolioPlusThe article on PolioPlus (What is the Plus in PolioPlus? June issue) is so educative, with polio’s complete history being elaborated in simple words. Many of us were not aware how ‘Plus’ got added to PolioPlus. Dr T Jacob John has beautifully explained India’s initiative in eradicating not only polio but introducing UIP (Universal Immunisation Programme) projects the world over.

I am sure such topics will educate Rotarians and encourage many of them to share their thoughts among their fraternity.

Ramesh Khera
RC Bhopal Hills — D 3040

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