From RI South Asia Office desk

Webinars on diversity, equity and inclusion

Throughout 2020–21, Rotary will host a webinar series to explore diversity, equity and inclusion. The first in the series was held in September on Design and inclusive plan for your organisation.

Some of the other topics in pipeline are Holding each other accountable; No justice, no peace; Intergenerational relationships and Building an inclusive brand. Recording of all webinars will be available at

PAN requirement for RF(I) contributions

Effective April 1, it is mandatory to provide PAN numbers for all contributions made online/offline towards RF(I), irrespective of value or the donor’s intention to claim tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961. Contributions received without PAN details will not be processed by RI South-Asia Office.

Paul Harris Society — way to enhance Annual Fund contribution

The Paul Harris Society (PHS) recognises Rotary members and friends of TRF who contribute $1,000 or more each year to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus Fund or approved global grants.

The Paul Harris Society has more than doubled in size since 2013–14. Society members make up a vital community of leaders whose contributions account for over 18 per cent of the donations to TRF’s Annual Fund and over 17 per cent of donations to the Foundation overall. This support allows the Foundation to fund extraordinary projects and activities close to home and around the globe.

To strengthen Paul Harris Society within your district/club, you may access the Paul Harris Society report available under Foundation Reports in My Rotary. This report helps you to identify prospective members based on past giving, thank members who have fulfilled their annual commitment, and remind those who have not.

Foundation Recognition Points

Foundation recognition points are awarded to donors who contribute to TRF through the Annual Fund or PolioPlus, or who contribute to sponsorship of a Foundation grant.

Donors receive one recognition point for every dollar contributed to these funds. Contributions to the Endowment Fund are not eligible. Donors can transfer Foundation recognition points to others to help them qualify as a Paul Harris Fellow or Multiple Paul Harris Fellow. A minimum of 100 Foundation recognition points must be transferred at a time, and the donor must complete and sign the Recognition and Transfer Request form. The points may not be transferred from individuals to a club or district.

Club and district leaders can view the online Club Recognition ­Summary, which includes the recognition amount, recognition points, current Paul Harris Fellow level, and date that level was achieved through My Rotary login.

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