Earth is our only home


Rotary shares an interest in protecting our common legacy — environment. The recently added Area of Focus has kindled the enthusiasm of several Rotarians around the world and the younger generation in particular. Clubs in our region are actively engaged in activities like afforestation, protecting water bodies and other similar ones. Judicious use of fossil fuels and reducing the use of non-biodegradable plastics have to be promoted on a wider and larger scale.

We need to be conscious of the fact that we coexist with other species and preserving this delicate balance among various species of flora and fauna should top the agenda. While this may interest the younger generation more, as they perceive their stake to be higher, everyone must realise that they are all stakeholders in preserving this planet.

Rotarians have to be in the forefront of this campaign. We must not only talk but walk the talk as well. A lot can be done by each one of us — in our daily personal lives and in professional activities as well. The availability of global grants coupled with the interest several corporates have shown in supporting this cause augurs well. However, we need to act with urgency. I urge clubs and Rotarians to think, plan and implement projects in protecting the environment. There are several experts available in our regions as resource persons. This planet is our house and keeping it in order and preserving it for posterity has to be our job.

In our professional activities, many of us have a Plan B, should the first plan fail. But we must remember that in this instance, we do not have the luxury of a planet B. We cannot afford to fail and must act now!

A S Venkatesh
RI Director, 2021–23

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