Dreams deferred For many, London throbs with exciting shopping opportunities; it is also a living repository of history. Along comes a book that presents a side of London few know or even care about.

Dreams deferred For many, London throbs with exciting shopping opportunities; it is also a living repository of history. Along comes a book that presents a side of London few know or even care about." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/dreams-deferred/">Read more

No way out Powerful nations have long exploited Afghanistan out of greed, self-interest and political gamesmanship. They created the hydra-headed Taliban.

No way out Powerful nations have long exploited Afghanistan out of greed, self-interest and political gamesmanship. They created the hydra-headed Taliban." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/no-way-out/">Read more

Books can be like a hockey team Random picks, varied styles, absorbing yarns… each uniquely examining the fundamental human need to belong.

Books can be like a hockey team Random picks, varied styles, absorbing yarns… each uniquely examining the fundamental human need to belong." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/books-can-be-like-a-hockey-team/">Read more

Bookmarks as signals and sentinels Mostly they tell us how far we’ve travelled in a book, occasionally they remind us that the journey remains unfinished.

Bookmarks as signals and sentinels Mostly they tell us how far we’ve travelled in a book, occasionally they remind us that the journey remains unfinished." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/bookmarks-as-signals-and-sentinels/">Read more

Of shikaras and heaven on earth It’s not uncommon for novels to find voice on the big and small screens, but a TV serial becoming a novel? That’s surely unusual.

Of shikaras and heaven on earth It’s not uncommon for novels to find voice on the big and small screens, but a TV serial becoming a novel? That’s surely unusual. " href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/of-shikaras-and-heaven-on-earth/">Read more
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