Interact grows in RID 3090

Interact clubs in RID 3090 has grown from seven to 382 in three years from 2021 and here is how we did it. I started my Interact chairmanship of the district on July 1, 2021, and served for three years until June 2024. The invaluable support of 125 Rotary clubs gave a gigantic boost taking the count to 382 in the three years, making RID 3090 rank third in India and fourth in South Asia.

We convinced school authorities saying that while the school focuses on developing the intelligence quotient of students, Rotary will give a platform to sharpen their emotional, social and adversity quotient, preparing them as future leaders.

Every year, Interact clubs are required to complete at least two community service projects, one of which furthers international understanding and goodwill. Interactors develop a network of friendships with local and overseas clubs and learn leadership skills, personal integrity and respect for others. They understand the value of individual responsibility and hard work, and advancing international relationship. As one of the most significant programmes of Rotary, with over 14,000 Interact clubs in 109 countries (as of July 2024) Interact has become a worldwide phenomenon with over 3,40,000 youngsters involved therein.

We installed Interact clubs in government, semi- government, aided and private schools. Good Interactors become great Rotaractors, who then become generous Rotarians. Events such as RYLA, career counselling, competitions such as Spell Bee, public speaking, essay writing, painting, and sports tournaments were organised for Interactors in schools.



During these three years, I understood the causes which are major setbacks to the growth and development of Interact.

  • Lack of knowledge among schools and institutions about Interact
  • Focusing on increasing the number of clubs rather than making existing clubs vibrant
  • No continuity of programmes as a new team takes over every year. The new leaders do not coordinate with the previous team
  • New DGs focus on chartering new clubs and not on nurturing existing ones.


Way forward

Interactors should be given adequate opportunities to evolve and develop leadership skills. Rotarians must educate schools and institutions about the significance of Interact in shaping students.

The writer is member of
RC Patiala Mid town, RID 3090


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