Young Seamstresses

A stitch in time saves not only nine, but can also be an income generating vocation for women struggling to make ends meet. To empower underprivileged women, Rotarians of D 3011, in association with Singer India Ltd, are establishing tailoring classes across the District.
Vocational training centres
DG Sudhir Mangla says, “Under this programme Singer India shares 50 per cent of the cost of the machines and the remaining 50 per cent is borne by the host Rotary club. We also provide space for setting up 15–20 sewing machines. The training is done by Singer through their supervisors. The centres provide a three-month certificate course and six-month diploma course, imparting training in cutting, stitching and embroidery.”
An admission fee of Rs100 is collected from the women. With hands-on training and a certificate from Singer, the needy women now have a choice of taking up a relevant job or starting their own tailoring business by purchasing sewing machines from Singer at a 50 per cent discount.
These training centres are set up by the various Rotary clubs in Rotary schools and Rotary owned vocational centres. RC Delhi South has its tailoring centre at Birla Vidya Niketan School; RC Faridabad Central runs it in Shirdi Sai Baba School; RC Rohtak, RC Delhi Midwest and RC Palwal (Haryana) have also inaugurated centres in their localities.
Mangla is positive about starting a similar centre at Tihar jail in Delhi and is sure “this will make the inmates self-reliant and help them to lead a dignified life, refraining from criminal activities.” Further, the District and Zonal Interact Representatives and Interactors are being encouraged to set up such centres in their schools to benefit women from nearby slums.