Spreading Cheer – November 2014

Infrastructure worth Rs 50,000 donated to Government High School, Erumapalayam.

Rain water harvesting rally jointly organised along with the club’s sponsored Interact Club and Thuraiyur Municipality.

Weekend classes organised for 150 underprivileged school students for various subjects at Basti Vikas Kendra.

Road safety awareness rally followed by an eye camp for public transport workers.

A RYLA programme organised at Patnadevi Sanctuary, Gautala forest empowered 450 youngsters.

Social service volunteers from various walks of life honoured.

Blood donation camp organised at Visnagar Voluntary Blood Bank, Kheralu collected 65 units of blood.

School uniforms donated to 250 poor students from various government schools to promote literacy.

Distribution of educational kits to students of club’s adopted school, Kanya Vidyalaya.

Over 100 patients benefitted through a comprehensive medical camp conducted by the club.

School teachers were honoured by the club for their exemplary services to the student community.

Grocery kits distributed to Bharathya Netraheen Vidyalaya, a school for the visually challenged.

Grocery items and medicines distributed to residents of Lepers Colony.

Medical camp conducted at Keshav Pathology Lab, Muzzafarnagar.

Umbrellas were donated to 150 underprivileged students of Purva Madhyamik Vidhyalaya at Kursanda village.

Adult Literacy Centre inaugurated at Tilauli Village. The club also installed a smart class and toilets at a primary school in the village.

Donation of Rs 10,000 for construction of toilets and gobar gas plants at Panawadi village.

Over 16,000 books on valuable thoughts by Swami Vivekananda donated to 124 schools.

Twin toilet blocks built at club’s adopted village, Mohili.

Tree plantation drive organised at many schools to promote environment protection.

School bags distributed to children of AIDS infected parents to help them pursue education.

Educational kits distributed to students of a primary school in Attiveri village.

Cash awards, dictionaries and note books distributed to toppers of the 10th standard board exams at Government School, Kommannal.

The club along with RC Cubbon Park jointly organised an eye camp at Bangalore City Institute.

A Zumba dance event to raise money for a rural school saw an active participation of 500 members.

Under District Grant the club installed an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) at the Calicut railway station.

Educational kits distributed to mentally-challenged children.

Saplings planted at Rani Anne Government College for Women.

Eye camps conducted for students at St. Joseph Matriculation High School, Ennore in association with Vasan Eye Care Centre.

Educational kits distributed to inmates of St. Joseph’s Children Home in association with Rotaract Club of Dimapur, under the Rotary’s TEACH Mission.

The club conducted various competitions for children and winners were honoured.

Water dispenser donated to Shri Krishna Vidhya Mandir, Bargi Gram Repura.

The malaria eradication programme performed by the club saw Rotarians spraying pesticides across the city to keep mosquitoes at bay.

The club in association with RC Stavanger, RI District 2250, Norway donated a ‘Hospital on Wheels’ to Bharat Seva Ashram.

Under the banner ‘Preserve Planet Earth’ saplings were planted at Damai Tar Ganesh Sthan, Nepal.