Special recognition for contribution to Polio Fund

With 99 per cent of the polio virus eradicated from the earth, the one per cent that is left in Pakistan and Afghanistan proves to be much harder to vanquish. Rotary needs to step up its efforts in surveillance, advocacy and immunisation. And all this costs more money.
RI is urging districts to contribute 20 per cent of their unutilised DDF to the Polio Fund and TRF will match it 1:1. Indian districts do not have much unutilised DDF. So a new scheme has been designed by End Polio Now Coordinator (EPNC) Dr Sagadhevan to increase cash contribution to the Polio Fund. Rotarians contributing $1,500 or ₹1 lakh to Polio Fund will be adorned with End Polio Fellow (EPF) Pin and certificate signed by RID, TRF Trustee, EPNC and DG. EPNC PDG Keshav Kunwar and TRF Trustee Gulam Vahanvaty have welcomed the idea. It has been approved by RI and TRF. It was launched recently at the National Polio Meet in Delhi in the presence of RIDs Bharat Pandya and Kamal Sanghvi, RIPN Shekhar Mehta, PRIP Rajendra Saboo and INPPC Chair Deepak Kapur.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will match the contribution 1:2 and contribute $3,000 or ₹2 lakh. So a total of $4,500 or ₹3 lakh will go to Polio Fund. Donors can contribute online at www.endpolio.org or rotaryfoundationindia.org or rotary.org or pay by cheque or DD favouring “Rotary Foundation (India)”. On receiving receipt for their contribution, donors must transfer ₹1,000 to “Rotary EPF Account” (AC No: 919020065960568, Axis Bank, Gandhiji Road, Erode. IFSC Code: UTIB0002146) to receive the District Special Recognition by courier.
District Governors can inspire at least 100 ‘End Polio Fellows’ from their districts and encourage Rotarians who are willing to contribute to PHF/MPHF or Major Donor to give the fund to the End Polio Fellow scheme. The contribution can be a single payment or multiple payments within this Rotary year. Donors will receive the recognition on completion of their full payment.
For details contact End Polio Now Coordinators Keshav Kunwar: 977-9851020711/ dgkeshav1516@gmail.com and Dr Saga: 9994477725/