She matters

An inter-club women’s summit titled Sakhi Sindhu, sponsored by RC Senoras Jamnagar and RC Devbhumi Dwarka was held in Dwarka to promote women’s membership in D 3060 and lay stress on the two key words that were constantly promoted during the conference — ‘She matters’.
A brain child of DG Ruchir Jani and spouse Sohangi, the conference was well attended as the DG had sent out a request that all the women associated with Rotary in D 3060 should attend this conference, accompanied, of course, by male Rotarians.
The underlining message was that a woman can achieve anything if she sets her heart and mind to it.
To lay emphasis on his vision to get more women members, DG Jani had created within the membership committee a special post to focus on women’s membership and this responsibility was given to Dr Kalpana Khandheria. She was asked to organise an inter club women’s summit to focus attention on the need to get more women into Rotary.
The conference included motivational talk by Rotary and other leaders highlighting the successful lives of prominent Indian women from history. The underlining message was that a woman can achieve anything if she sets her heart and mind to it.