RC Chennai Icons sets world record with 225 charter members
On Jan 1, 2025, RI District 3233 achieved a remarkable milestone with the formation of RC Chennai Icons, inducting 225 charter members — setting a probable new world record. The previous RI record stood at 221 charter members, while in India, a Rotary club in Bengaluru had held the record with 151 members, said DG Mahveer Bothra. “At 225 members, RC Chennai Icons has broken all records,” said Mahaveer Karnawat, the club’s mentor. Mahaveer Jain was installed as club president and Punit Kochar, secretary.

Speaking at the club’s installation event, RIDE K P Nagesh urged the newly inducted members to embrace Rotary wholeheartedly. “Be patient and stay with Rotary for at least three years. Its vastness and connectivity will grow on you, and you will come to love Rotary,” he said, and encouraged members to actively participate in club activities. He urged the new president to identify the interest of each member, ensuring their engagement.
He explained how Rotary can hugely benefit its members. “Conventions give you the opportunity to connect with global citizens. You get to learn about their culture and share yours. Rotary allows you to do impactful service projects collectively, transforming lives, and in the process, transforms you into a better human being. It empowers you with leadership and networking skills.”
Looking ahead to his and RIDE M Muruganandam’s term as director in 2025, Nagesh outlined their ambitious goals. “We want to induct 1,000 AKS members and 100 ‘million-dollar donors.’ Currently India has seven ‘million-dollar donors’, with 30 more identified. Let us aim for 70 more with your support.” He also urged every charter member to contribute $1,000 to TRF, saying, “This could make your club ‘the largest PHF club in its charter year’ — a record to be proud of!”
Recognising that most of the members are gold and diamond merchants, Nagesh suggested channelling CSR funds into TRF, promising that their contributions would create a transformative impact worldwide.

PDG I S A K Nazar, the district’s counsellor, congratulated the three ‘Mahaveers’ — DG Mahaveer Bothra, Mahaveer Karnawat and charter president Mahaveer Jain — and said, “There will be challenges, but keep the flock together, and keep the club functioning against all odds. With 35-plus years of experience I have seen system-driven and people-driven clubs. The foundation will be strong for a system-driven club and that will keep it rooted against all storms.”
RC Vijayawada Midtown with 804 members, and RC Karur with 480 Rotarians, were models of active engagement and unity. RC Vapi was “a small-town club with 220 members. Over the years it has established a higher secondary school, three polytechnic colleges, four engineering colleges and a nursing college. Imagine the vitality and unity among its members. Three years from now, we must still feel proud of your club. Do not let ego or discord come in the way; maintain the same cheer and camarderie always. Look for opportunities to elevate Rotary to greater heights,” said Nazar.
DG Bothra said, “My vision is to strengthen the district and grow our membership. Leadership requires clarity of vision and being a role model.”
Past and incoming governors of RID 3233 participated in the event.
Green Rotarians conclave
In December 2024, DG Bothra organised an orientation event for 700 new Rotarians inducted since July. PDG R Srinivasan, along with Rotarians T D Prasanth and V S Sashikumar, curated the sessions to retain members, and make them passionate Rotary ambassadors.
RIDE M Muruganandam highlighted Rotary’s global impact, fostering friendship, service and peace. DGE D Devendran and DGN Shriram Duvvuri used mobile technology to deliver an immersive learning session on Rotary’s fundamentals. PDG N Nandakumar, along with Team Apollo, conducted a ‘Scan Your Health’ segment. PDG Nazar spoke about Rotary’s pivotal role in polio eradication, and past DRFC Ambalavanan highlighted TRF initiatives and CSR grants.