Club Corner – June 2016

Rotarians participated in the India Marathon Run, a national campaign for Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, held at Bhubaneswar. Doctors among them also manned the health kiosks set up for the Run. Rtn Tapan Kumar Chand, the President Nominee of the Club, was the Chairman for the Marathon which had over 15,000 participants.

The club has initiated a public awareness campaign to sensitise people on traffic rules and healthy habits. They have done so by putting up colourful display boards at petrol pumps in and around Kolkata.

The club, in association with RC Pune Central and Lions Club Sahakar Nagar, is conducting breast health screening camp for women in and around Pune. Having screened 5,200 patients up to February, the team aims to screen at least 10,000 women by the end of this Rotary year.

The Rotarians distributed water wheels to around 200 people in various villages to help combat the severe drought conditions. The water wheels came as a welcome relief for the villagers who were until then carrying water in pots from nearby sources in this parched region.