3-in-1 medical facility in Guwahati
Assam health minister Keshab Mahanta inaugurated three state-of-art facilities — a blood bank, an eye hospital and a physiotherapy unit — at the KGMT Hospital, Guwahati, in the presence of DG Nilesh Agarwal, PDGs Manas Chaudhuri, Kalpana Khound and Debashish Das.

The facilities were set up by RID 3240 at around ₹2 crore through a global grant project with RID 3282, Bangladesh, as partner. During his tenure as governor in 2019–20, PDG Das initiated the project with $30,000 as a Directed Gift to form a seed fund for the GG project.
Later, a committee was formed with Budhin Borthakur as the primary contact. PDGs Arvind Phukan (from the US), N N Dutta, Prabhat Kedia and Arijit Endow, Dr Anil Mahanta and other Rotarians from all the eight clubs in Guwahati had worked for the success of the medical project.