Rotary clubs to the rescue of rural crèche The project idea came about in 2014 when Rotarian Arthur Gray drove past the crèche and saw the young children using a plastic makeshift toilet in full view of the public."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary clubs to the rescue of rural crèche The project idea came about in 2014 when Rotarian Arthur Gray drove past the crèche and saw the young children using a plastic makeshift toilet in full view of the public. Jan 2018 Tamlyn Jolly, Zululand Observer Mzingazi, Richards Bay, san diego, Sekusilezulu Viewed: 742 Rotary clubs to the rescue of rural crèche The project idea came about in 2014 when Rotarian Arthur Gray drove past the crèche and saw the young children using a plastic makeshift toilet in full view of the public." href="">Read more
Gearing up for ‘Tour de Rotary’ The Connection Ride will see Rotarians on a taxing cycle tour forging relationships on the way to raise funds for charitable groups in uMhlathuze, a town in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa."> Rest of Rotary World Gearing up for ‘Tour de Rotary’ The Connection Ride will see Rotarians on a taxing cycle tour forging relationships on the way to raise funds for charitable groups in uMhlathuze, a town in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Jan 2018Jan 30 2018 Laurie Smith, Zululand Observer Cape Town, Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal, uMhlathuze, Vryheid Viewed: 652 Gearing up for ‘Tour de Rotary’ The Connection Ride will see Rotarians on a taxing cycle tour forging relationships on the way to raise funds for charitable groups in uMhlathuze, a town in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa." href="">Read more
Trivia quiz to raise funds for anti-polio campaign It was the third year for the contest and by mid-afternoon they had raised about $775, up from last year's $600, half of which will go towards battling polio, while the rest for local projects."> Rest of Rotary World Trivia quiz to raise funds for anti-polio campaign It was the third year for the contest and by mid-afternoon they had raised about $775, up from last year's $600, half of which will go towards battling polio, while the rest for local projects. Jan 2018Jan 29 2018 Dave McMillion, Herald-Mail Media Bill Gates, Fulton, Hancock, polio, trivia contest Viewed: 750 Trivia quiz to raise funds for anti-polio campaign It was the third year for the contest and by mid-afternoon they had raised about $775, up from last year's $600, half of which will go towards battling polio, while the rest for local projects." href="">Read more
New Rotary club exclusively for youth The new group is an initiative of the existing club and is aiming to follow a worldwide trend of re-inventing the Rotary name by attracting younger residents between the ages of 20 and 40."> Rest of Rotary World New Rotary club exclusively for youth The new group is an initiative of the existing club and is aiming to follow a worldwide trend of re-inventing the Rotary name by attracting younger residents between the ages of 20 and 40. Jan 2018Jan 29 2018 North Wales Pioneer Gogarth, Llandudno, North Wales Viewed: 608 New Rotary club exclusively for youth The new group is an initiative of the existing club and is aiming to follow a worldwide trend of re-inventing the Rotary name by attracting younger residents between the ages of 20 and 40." href="">Read more
Rotary guest promotes Interact clubs A guest speaker at the Maysville Rotary dwells on the importance of starting Interact clubs as children ages 12-18 are the future of the voluntary organisation."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary guest promotes Interact clubs A guest speaker at the Maysville Rotary dwells on the importance of starting Interact clubs as children ages 12-18 are the future of the voluntary organisation. Jan 2018Jan 25 2018 The Ledger Independent Boone County, Dominican Republican, Interact Club, Maysville Viewed: 603 Rotary guest promotes Interact clubs A guest speaker at the Maysville Rotary dwells on the importance of starting Interact clubs as children ages 12-18 are the future of the voluntary organisation." href="">Read more
Rotarians build houses in Mexico Two flagship projects -- Senior outreach and building houses in Mexico -- gave new insights to Rotarians on how to get the youth involved to make community life a cherished experience."> Rest of Rotary World Rotarians build houses in Mexico Two flagship projects -- Senior outreach and building houses in Mexico -- gave new insights to Rotarians on how to get the youth involved to make community life a cherished experience. Jan 2018Jan 24 2018 Aly Brown, The Press Antioch, Delta, Episcopal, Mexico, San Luis Viewed: 691 Rotarians build houses in Mexico Two flagship projects -- Senior outreach and building houses in Mexico -- gave new insights to Rotarians on how to get the youth involved to make community life a cherished experience." href="">Read more
Rotary rewards community service with grants During the club’s monthly luncheon, $24,000 in grants was presented to 22 different community and nonprofit organisations for helping their charity activities."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary rewards community service with grants During the club’s monthly luncheon, $24,000 in grants was presented to 22 different community and nonprofit organisations for helping their charity activities. Jan 2018Jan 23 2018 Julissa Zavala, The Sentinel Hanford, Kings County, St Vincent de Paul Centre Viewed: 665 Rotary rewards community service with grants During the club’s monthly luncheon, $24,000 in grants was presented to 22 different community and nonprofit organisations for helping their charity activities." href="">Read more
Madison Rotary to hold food packaging event In Rotary District 7470, which encompasses five counties in north central New Jersey, US, it is estimated that over 200,000 men, women and children are food insecure."> Rest of Rotary World Madison Rotary to hold food packaging event In Rotary District 7470, which encompasses five counties in north central New Jersey, US, it is estimated that over 200,000 men, women and children are food insecure. Jan 2018Jan 22 2018 Tapinto Madison hunger, Madison, Medicaid, Medicare, New Jersey Viewed: 772 Madison Rotary to hold food packaging event In Rotary District 7470, which encompasses five counties in north central New Jersey, US, it is estimated that over 200,000 men, women and children are food insecure." href="">Read more
Rotary grant to fight diseases in Malawi While working in Malawi, Dr Isobel King wrote an impressive blog which made the club to offer financial support through a global grant initiative."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary grant to fight diseases in Malawi While working in Malawi, Dr Isobel King wrote an impressive blog which made the club to offer financial support through a global grant initiative. Jan 2018Jan 19 2018 Gazette Standard Bielefeld Sűd, Colchester, Limbe, Malawi, Mulanje, Zwolle Viewed: 569 Rotary grant to fight diseases in Malawi While working in Malawi, Dr Isobel King wrote an impressive blog which made the club to offer financial support through a global grant initiative." href="">Read more
A fundraiser to beautify land near railway station The bottle drive fundraiser netted over $1,000 in support of Station Park, a 2-year project of Stirling Rotary to create a beautiful park-like setting near the historic railway station."> Rest of Rotary World A fundraiser to beautify land near railway station The bottle drive fundraiser netted over $1,000 in support of Station Park, a 2-year project of Stirling Rotary to create a beautiful park-like setting near the historic railway station. Jan 2018Jan 17 2018 Terry Vollum, The Intelligencer Rawdon, Station Park, Stirling Viewed: 8,661 A fundraiser to beautify land near railway station The bottle drive fundraiser netted over $1,000 in support of Station Park, a 2-year project of Stirling Rotary to create a beautiful park-like setting near the historic railway station." href="">Read more
Rotary clubs join hands for End-Polio Now fundraisers All clubs in Falkirk district, UK, make annual donations to the Foundation and part of this goes to the global polio campaign which will have £40 million per year over the next three years. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary clubs join hands for End-Polio Now fundraisers All clubs in Falkirk district, UK, make annual donations to the Foundation and part of this goes to the global polio campaign which will have £40 million per year over the next three years. Jan 2018Jan 16 2018 Julie Currie, The Falkirk Herald Callendar House, Cow Wynd, crocus, end polio now, Falkirk, Polmont Viewed: 941 Rotary clubs join hands for End-Polio Now fundraisers All clubs in Falkirk district, UK, make annual donations to the Foundation and part of this goes to the global polio campaign which will have £40 million per year over the next three years. " href="">Read more