RYE student enjoys a slice of Aussie culture A Rotary Youth Exchange student from Japan makes a presentation to the host club on her exciting time spent in Tenterfield where she had adventurous experiences."> Rest of Rotary World RYE student enjoys a slice of Aussie culture A Rotary Youth Exchange student from Japan makes a presentation to the host club on her exciting time spent in Tenterfield where she had adventurous experiences. Oct 2018Oct 15 2018 Donna Ward,Tenterfield Star Ballina, Big Banana, Tenterfield, tobogganing Viewed: 464 RYE student enjoys a slice of Aussie culture A Rotary Youth Exchange student from Japan makes a presentation to the host club on her exciting time spent in Tenterfield where she had adventurous experiences." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rye-student-enjoys-a-slice-of-aussie-culture/">Read more
Rotary club hosts annual Spaghetti Dinner The community awaits eagerly for the annual dinner which is being held for the last 45 years with people from all age groups gathering to enjoy spaghetti in the backdrop of Italian music."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary club hosts annual Spaghetti Dinner The community awaits eagerly for the annual dinner which is being held for the last 45 years with people from all age groups gathering to enjoy spaghetti in the backdrop of Italian music. Oct 2018Oct 12 2018 The Telegraph Italian, Nashua, Paisano Cup, Souhegan Valley, spaghetti Viewed: 538 Rotary club hosts annual Spaghetti Dinner The community awaits eagerly for the annual dinner which is being held for the last 45 years with people from all age groups gathering to enjoy spaghetti in the backdrop of Italian music." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-cub-hosts-annual-spaghetti-dinner/">Read more
Rotary kicks off childhood literacy programme A board book and an Early Literacy Guide are gifted to the families of the newborn at the hospital to help them make use of the local resources available to educate their kids."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary kicks off childhood literacy programme A board book and an Early Literacy Guide are gifted to the families of the newborn at the hospital to help them make use of the local resources available to educate their kids. Oct 2018Oct 10 2018 Twilla Johnson, petoskeynews.com Literacy Guide, McLaren, Michigan, Petoskey Viewed: 463 Rotary kicks off childhood literacy programme A board book and an Early Literacy Guide are gifted to the families of the newborn at the hospital to help them make use of the local resources available to educate their kids." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-kicks-off-childhood-literacy-programme/">Read more
Rotary into partnership to fight hunger A flagship project Rotary Winter Wonderland will take part in the Stock the Shelves campaign to support local pantries and emergency food programmes that provide a safety net for the hungry."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary into partnership to fight hunger A flagship project Rotary Winter Wonderland will take part in the Stock the Shelves campaign to support local pantries and emergency food programmes that provide a safety net for the hungry. Oct 2018Oct 10 2018 Marshfield News-Herald Marshfield, pantries, St Vincent de Paul, Wildwood Park, Winter Wonderland, Wisconsin Viewed: 670 Rotary into partnership to fight hunger A flagship project Rotary Winter Wonderland will take part in the Stock the Shelves campaign to support local pantries and emergency food programmes that provide a safety net for the hungry." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-into-partnership-to-fight-hunger/">Read more
A global grant project benefits resource centre Buckhead Rotary in Atlanta approached the Oak Bay Rotary in Victoria to do a project together and they identified a Native Friendship Centre to provide funding to computer learning centre."> Rest of Rotary World A global grant project benefits resource centre Buckhead Rotary in Atlanta approached the Oak Bay Rotary in Victoria to do a project together and they identified a Native Friendship Centre to provide funding to computer learning centre. Oct 2018Oct 09 2018 Keri Coles, Oak Bay News Atlanta, Buckhead, Oak Bay, Victoria Viewed: 667 A global grant project benefits resource centre Buckhead Rotary in Atlanta approached the Oak Bay Rotary in Victoria to do a project together and they identified a Native Friendship Centre to provide funding to computer learning centre." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-global-grant-project-benefits-resource-centre/">Read more
Magazine online Rotary News Tamil – October 2018 Oct 2018Oct 03 2018 Rotary News Viewed: 794 Read more
Engaging correspondences The lost art of exchanging handwritten letters is sometimes reclaimed in books."> Wordsworld Engaging correspondences The lost art of exchanging handwritten letters is sometimes reclaimed in books. Oct 2018May 31 2019 Sandhya Rao Viewed: 549 Engaging correspondences The lost art of exchanging handwritten letters is sometimes reclaimed in books." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/engaging-correspondences/">Read more
Rotary to host forum on internet predators A panel of experts will advise parents and teens on how to stay clear of online dangers that can lead to human trafficking, which involves forcing victims into sex slavery and or slave labour."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary to host forum on internet predators A panel of experts will advise parents and teens on how to stay clear of online dangers that can lead to human trafficking, which involves forcing victims into sex slavery and or slave labour. Oct 2018Oct 03 2018 Bob Sandrick, cleveland.com Cleveland, predators, Strongsville, trafficking Viewed: 666 Rotary to host forum on internet predators A panel of experts will advise parents and teens on how to stay clear of online dangers that can lead to human trafficking, which involves forcing victims into sex slavery and or slave labour." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-to-host-forum-on-internet-predators/">Read more
People of Action Rotary opens rehab centre at old-age home Oct 2018 Team Rotary News Viewed: 745 Read more
Doing good with TRF help Rotary’s magic touch in the Northeast Oct 2018 Team Rotary News Viewed: 665 Read more