Pottstown Rotary celebrates milestone year The club meets once a week and, reflecting its international nature, if members miss a meeting they can make up by attending the regular meeting of any other Rotary club in the world."> Rest of Rotary World Pottstown Rotary celebrates milestone year The club meets once a week and, reflecting its international nature, if members miss a meeting they can make up by attending the regular meeting of any other Rotary club in the world. Feb 2018Feb 16 2018 Evan Brandt, The Mercury News Camp Neidig, Manatawny Creek, paul harris, Pottsdown, Wernersville Viewed: 811 Pottstown Rotary celebrates milestone year The club meets once a week and, reflecting its international nature, if members miss a meeting they can make up by attending the regular meeting of any other Rotary club in the world." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/pottstown-rotary-celebrates-100-years-service/">Read more