A gala ‘change of guard’ at Little Falls A new set of office-bearers will take over the reins of the Rotary club with two co-presidents elected in December to steer the organisation in the upcoming year."> Rest of Rotary World A gala ‘change of guard’ at Little Falls A new set of office-bearers will take over the reins of the Rotary club with two co-presidents elected in December to steer the organisation in the upcoming year. Jun 2019Jun 28 2019 David Warner, My Little Falls Little Falls, Rotary Year Viewed: 714 A gala ‘change of guard’ at Little Falls A new set of office-bearers will take over the reins of the Rotary club with two co-presidents elected in December to steer the organisation in the upcoming year." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-gala-change-of-guard-ceremony-at-little-falls/">Read more